Chapter 3

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Alyson p.o.v

" Careful sweetie , it's still hot " my mom said to my while I was bring tea up to my room

" Thanks " I said than I went inside my room and placed the tea on my nightstand . I noticed how cold it was when a rush of cool air came into the room . I went to close my balcony door when I heard loud music coming from the neighbors

" Weird , the neighbors are usually quiet " i said than I walked on the balcony . Since we lived on a hill I saw the city I lived in but there was a couple of trees . I turned my head to see where the loud music was coming from , it was coming from harry's flat

" Really " I said to my self while walking back inside my room . I shut my balcony doors and the noise died down . I sat in my bed and started to read the fault in our stars . my eyes began to become heavier and heavier until I could keep them open . I got into my pyjamas and went back into my bed .i shut off the light and fell into a deep sleep .

****** next day *******

" Alyson " i turned my head and I saw Niall running up to me

" Uh hi " I said to him

" Where are your other friends " I said

" They stayed home because Harry was sick " He replied

" But couldn't only one of them should've stayed with him " I said confused

" Oh uh , no he is very sick " he said while looking away

" Wow , it's hot maybe we should go outside " he pushed me outside where everyone was eating lunch

" Niall , why are you acting weird " I said while turning to him

" Uh I'm not acting weird " he said

" You are a bad liar " I said to him

" I'm telling the truth " he said in a squeaky voice

"Yeah , okay " I said to him

" So did you do the math homework " he said quickly changing the subject

" Yeah " I said to him than I heard someone say my name

" Can I see it " he said to me

" Later " I turned my head to see who was calling me . I turned back and saw that Liam was next to Niall talking to him

" When did you get here " I said to Liam

" Oh I called your name but you didn't hear me " he said while smiling

" Oh but I thought Harry was sick " I said than Niall turned to him

" Oh uh , yeah he has a very high fever " he said while scratching the back of his neck

" Doesn't he need all of you to watch him " I said while looking at him

" No , the boys can handle him " he said while looking at Niall

" Alyson" someone tapped me on the shoulder . I turned around and saw that it was crystal

" I'm going to have a party tomorrow , are you going " she said to me

" Yeah , sure " I said

" You can bring your friends , if you'd like " she said while looking at the two boys

" Will that be alright for you " she said to them . the both of the boys looked at each than towards crystal

" Yeah " Niall said to her

" Alright see you there " she said than the bell rung

" Time to go " I said while grabbing my bag

Bitten ( harry styles fanfiction )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz