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As the clone wars era transport descended into the atmosphere of Yavin the out line of the old rebel base started appearing breaking the tree line. 
As the two got out of their seats they noticed a small group coming their way. "Seems we were being expected." Ashoka told her mando friend. "Hopefully we can find a lead to Ezra." Sabine replied as they started through the ship and pressed the landing ramp.
"Sabine wren... Ashoka tano nice to meet you both finally face to face I've heard a lot about you both." Luke greeted them with, "How so" Sabine being little snappy asked, "Hera syndulla, zeb, Agent Kallus and I forget Chopper." Luke replied with, that's when she realized that Luke must have been part of the rebellion some time after the liberation of lothal. "Yeah im the artist and explosion specialist for the ghost crew... from sending grand moff tarkins star destroyer to a fiery grave to defeating grand admiral Thrawn." Sabine answered with crossing her arms , that's when a youngling raised her hand. "Miss tano is this true?" The little alien girl  asked, "yes it is and it was my rebel cell that came in time to save the ghost crew after rescuing one of their own over mustafar." Ashoka replied cheerfully which the whole class just hung Jaw opened. "Younglings go take a break... we got matters to discuss privately." Luke told his class, "yes master skywalker!" All them replied with followed by giving both of them a nod to follow along.

As the three walked in the old rebel base Sabine noticed some of her art work on the walls. "Sabine I came across your art work when I was getting ready to fly up against the first Death Star." Luke told the two that's when they reached his personal quarters. The three sat down and that's when Luke used the force to turn on the cafe machine, that's when he opened up a small drawer and dug out three blue corners and three red corners. "The Jedi and sith holocrones!" Sabine said openly remembering how Maul took them all hostage, and how Maul and Ezra combined them. "What happened Sabine?" Ashoka asked not hearing about this at all. "Maul took us all hostage to get Kanan and Ezra's attention during a supply run... later I found out Maul tried to kill Kanan by pushing him through a air lock then we tried to save Ezra from whatever would happen if they completely combined them." Sabine said sadly because that day would come back to haunt them on atollon then eventually dathomer. "Well I was guided back to tattonie and the force guided me to them." Luke responded with as he used the force to hand each of them a cup of cafe. "Thanks Luke...." Sabine thanked the grand master in deep thoughts about the memories she had with specter 6. "Luke thank you and May the force be with you." Ashoka told him as she finished her cafe. As the two women got up Luke said "follow the light and the dark side of the force and you'll find your friend among the balance."

The two excited out the temple/base. "That was uneventful." Sabine said carrying her helmet as she looked around remembering how active the base used to be. "Let's get going Sabine where ever Ezra is we'll find him."  Ashoka told her friend as they walked up the landing ramp.

On a unknown planet... "great work getting us into this mess." Thrawn told Ezra around a small fire.

What is the condition of our favorite grand admiral and blue haired Jedi. What adventures will Ashoka and Sabine encounter to find their friend.

Sorry for being short but that's what the story came too. CW7 out!!

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