I'm back - 08 | red flag no.1

Start from the beginning

I lean against the doorframe, "What?" I ask in annoyance when I see him playing a video game on his desktop. This was why he couldn't come and find me?

He didn't skip a beat as he said, "Try again." He didn't even look away from his game. Something that looked to be a fantasy version of Call of Duty.

I cross my arms over my chest, "Huh?" I huff in annoyance once again. He acts as if I have nothing to do, especially with me just having come home and school starting, I have a load of things to do. And getting my emotions out from their bottle was number one on my list.

"Try again, this time without the attitude." He says, still not looking up at me.

I'm furtherly annoyed at his behavior, he never acts like a dad, why does he care so much now? But, I try to comply, "What?" I ask this time much softer.

Finally looking up at me he smiles, and it was anything but warm. "Much better," he stopped for a moment as he paused his game. "We need to talk, why don't you have a seat." He said, motioning to the armchair he keeps in his office.

I sit down across from him, "What is it?" I question, but I had a feeling that I knew exactly what it was about: Aunt Fiona.

He clasped his hands together on his lap, only making him look more menacing. Not a good look for my father, "Last night your dear Aunt Fiona informed me of your atrocious behavior at the welcome home party a few days ago."

I knew my face held a hard look as I remembered the whole ordeal. It was an absolute nightmare, and I didn't instigate any of it. I snorted, "Why? What did she tell you happened?" No doubt about it Aunt Fiona most likely bent the truth to her will.

His face changed almost immediately at the mention of her name, "Don't speak of her with such implication," his tone was harsh as were his words. "She told me the unspeakable things you said and the way you behaved!" He glared daggers at me. I could tell he was getting angry, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I was not in the mood for this. "First of all Dad, she called me fat, not the other way around. And second, all I did was stand up for myself. I'm not even the one who called Fiona a bitch." I wrapped my arms around myself tightly.

His eyebrows furrowed, "No child of mine shall behave that way. I don't care what you think Fiona did or said, she is your elder and you will treat her as such." He said sternly. He truly believed his way was the right, and only way.

All I wanted was to escape this mess before I say something I'm going to regret. I wasn't in the right mindset to have this conversation with my father, but he is being insistent.

I gaped at him, "So what? I'm just supposed to stand by and let an adult bully me shamelessly simply because they're older than me?" I asked angrily. That statement was preposterous, "Respect goes both ways, dad!"

He didn't seem to care, "Respect is earned, Annalise. I don't know what happened, but two years ago you would've never spoken to your superiors like that. Jane really messed up on parenting." He said, taking a sip of the water on his desk.

He said it so casually, he said it as if he was asking me to pass the salt. His calmness infuriated me even more, I felt flames on my face. "Messed up on parenting? Mom was the best mother anyone could ever ask for!" I yelled, defending my mother's honor since she wasn't here to do it herself.

He stood up and I took a step back nervously, "Annalise Marie Stark, you will not speak to me in that manner. I am allowed whatever opinion I want on your mother." Your Mother, that's what he said. He doesn't even care for her anymore.

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