Having A Water Fight Like Idiots

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We were frozen for a moment and only recovered when the thing pounced. My parents and I had jumped aside in opposite directions and I found myself alone as I ran further into the trees.

My heart beat against my ribs as I crashed through the underbrush, leaving snarling creature behind in my wake. I looked over my shoulder, but the only creatures behind me were new ones. I felt my heart grow cold at the thought; the tusked beast must have gone after my parents.

I had to get back to them, but with these creatures after me I wouldn't be able to look for them. I'd have to loose these things and try searching when they had gone back to sleep.

I ran till I was almost about to collapse, winding around trees and dodging lunging monsters. In my weary state I tripped on the soaked grass and skidded into an unseen ditch.

I grunted as I hit the bottom; it wasn't that deep, but it was still enough to make my ribs throb. I lied there for a while, gasping and too exhausted to move. I tried to keep my pants quiet as I heard the creatures moving through the bracken above me. They ignored the hidden ditch and simple jumped over it, chasing the way they thought I had gone. I didn't dare move, waiting till my breath slowed and listening to the sounds of the creatures and the rain grow fainter.

~ ~ ~

I slowly blinked, taking in the bright greenery around me. When had I fallen asleep? I sat up, grunting as I felt the stiffness of my limbs. Sleeping on the ground had never been pleasant.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned as I tried to remember what happened before I fell asleep. I recalled being sniffed at...

I jolted. The cannibal had curled up beside me. How did I manage to fall asleep though?! I had been almost panicked and then...? I guess my exhaustion caught up with me. Either that or I passed out from terror.

I gulped and quickly checked my surroundings. The cannibal wasn't there, and the ground beside me was still warm. It hadn't been gone long, then.

I hurriedly went about cleaning my shoulder wound. It was scabbed over now and less red. I pulled my shirt back on just as the bushes behind me began to rattle.

I swallowed and slowly turned around to face the creature as it stepped out of the foliage. It seemed to be softly chewing on something and I shivered. Hopefully it wasn't the remains of another human.

The cannibal seemed to perk up when it noticed I was awake and I could already hear its pleased purrs. It pranced over and sat down in front of me before dropping whatever was in its mouth into my lap.

I would have screamed, but the object in my lap was merely a slightly chewed on paperclip. I picked the saliva-covered thing up and raised an eyebrow as I looked back at the cannibal. Why a paperclip?

It was looking at me expectantly and seemed rather pleased with itself. I guess I didn't have any choice then. I wiped the paperclip off on the tail of my coat before slipping it into my bag.

I looked back up at the purring cannibal to find its lips quirked up in a smile. I cringed as it leaned closer and nuzzled my cheek. I swallowed in an effort to keep myself calm as the creature moved to my side.

I almost expected it to curl up against me, but instead it nudged me with its shoulder and grumbled at me. The creature repeated the movement when I blinked and didn't move. Did it want me to get up? Might as well.

I slowly got to my feet and looked down at the cannibal to see that it seemed pleased with this action. It rubbed against my legs with another grumble before bouncing off a ways and looking back at me. So it was follow the cannibal time again?

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