Sportsmaster stood in me and Jade's-er-my doorway. He looked in the room and arched an eyebrow. "Where's your sister?" He asked me. "Jade!' He yelled. When he didn't get a response from her, he muttered, "that dumba** little b****! Where is she?!" He looked at me for an answer. 

"I- well- er- she-she-," I stuttered.

"Where-where," He stuttered, mocking me. "I-is sh-she?"

"I don't know," I answered truthfully. "She left."

The next thing that I knew, I was being pressed against the wall, hard. "Whaddaya mean, she left?!" He roared. 

"I-I mean she ran away. She packed her bag and left, and she's never coming back," Then I got carried away. "And it was your fault, too. She said herself that she couldn't live with you anymore."

"And you didn't try to stop her?!" Sportsmaster yelled angrily. He was angrier than I'd ever seen him before. He was now pushing me against the wall so hard that it felt like my wrists were about to snap. I got why he was so mad, since Jade was his favorite. 

"I did, Daddy, I really, really did, but she wouldn't listen!" He pushed my wrists even harder against the wall. 

"Then it's your fault, you idiotic b****! If you couldn't stop her, then it was your fault. If you had asked better, she would've stayed. So don't blame me for something that's your fault, you ungrateful little brat!" I felt like he had just slapped me in the face. It was all my fault. Panic flooded through me. My breathing sped up. Dad pushed me even harder into the wall. I heard a snap and suddenly felt like I had just been stabbed in the arm with Zeus' lightning bolt. I screamed. I had undoubtedly broken my wrist. I knew I had, because I had twice before, both times during training, and the pain felt the same.

My so-called-father dropped me and stormed out of the room. I clutched my wrist as the room started to dip and spin. I had never been so panicked in my life. What was happening I wondered as my breathing sped up even more. I felt like I was gonna die. Instead, I passed out. 

                                                     TWO YEARS LATER

I stood in front of a middle aged man, aiming my arrow at his chest. It took all of my willpower to keep my hands from shaking. I was terrified, but Sportsmaster stood behind me, goading me on. Three bodies already laid lifeless on the ground. His doing. The rest of the people watched in horror. "C'mon, you little brat! Just f***ing shoot!" He slapped me in the face again. It didn't hurt very much, as he had already slapped me so many times my cheek was numb. The guy that I was aiming an arrow at looked at me pityingly. My father noticed and slapped him. I could hear the faint sounds of sirens in the distance. 

"Tigress!" My father snapped. "I'm gonna go wait outside, and if you're not there by the time that the police get here, you will get left. And if you don't finish off this man, then I will never let you into the house again, clear? Your sister never had a problem with this."

'But I'm not Jade!" I thought angrily. I nodded. Dad left the room. 

Tears welled in my eyes. The guy, who I knew was named Micheal Carson,looked me straight in the eye as best as he could with my mask and mouthed, "Do it." I bit my lip, nodding, as a tear streamed down my cheek, followed by another. 

"I'm sorry," I told him. "God, I'm so sorry!" I released the arrow, looking behind me. I heard the arrow hit its mark, and I ran out of the room as fast as I could, past Dad and into the helicopter, sobbing, feeling worse than I ever have in my life. 

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