I Got A Golden Ticket! (Nate- Fluff Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Nate decided to try searching the mysterious address on Google Maps. He typed it in along with the postcode and sighed when he got the result he expected. No such place existed in the world. He thought for a moment and then tried a normal Google search. Once more nothing of interest popped up.

He was stumped. "I guess I'll just... Drive around and if I find it then I find it... And if I don't, oh well..." He shrugged.

With that he went back to writing his song lyrics, leaving the note and box on the table in his kitchen.





Morning came quickly and Nate was quite excited, and perhaps a little anxious about the factory tour. He sprang out of bed and got dressed as fast as he could, throwing on a plain white t-shirt, grey skinny jeans and a blue polka dot button through shirt. He pushed his hair into place and rushed downstairs, snatching up his car keys and house keys.

Soon enough he was driving through the crowded streets of L.A. looking for this factory, which he would apparently recognise on sight. Somehow he didn't believe that was possible. If he would recognise it, surely he would have seen it before? At least once?

Really, how could such a large building slip past him unnoticed on his travels around L.A.? Nate wasn't sure, but it had happened because in the next few moments he came upon such a building, which he had never seen before, but was practically impossible to have missed before now, least of all due to its size.

The building itself wasn't in any way inconspicuous. It was brightly coloured, screaming 'LOOK AT ME!' with its many tall candy striped chimneys and gold scrolled gates.

Nate was so distracted by it that he almost lost control of his car, but he maintained it just, and pulled up outside the factory gates. He hesitantly got out of the car and walked towards the gates, looking around at the place in awe. He was unsure if this was a trap or prank, but he was impressed by the place.

As Nate stood and stared in through the gaps in the gates he noticed one of the doors in the distance open and a figure appear from inside. Nate assumed that this was Wonka.

The man seemed to hobble along with a walking stick for a majority of the way, until he tripped and fell forwards. Nate gasped, his eyes wide in shock. As he was about to ask if the man was okay he saw him do a forward roll and stand up straight, perfectly fine and not reliant on the cane he held.

The singer blinked in disbelief at the man's agility. He watched as the man came up to the gate and it opened without him even touching it. Nate took it to be motion activated or something.

The man smiled gently at Nate and spoke finally. "Nathan I presume?"

Nate nodded. "Yes sir, and I assume you're Mr. Wonka?"

The man grinned and nodded, holding out his hand. "Correct, my dear boy. You are certainly on the ball. Did ya like my little trick back there?" He asked.

Nate shook Wonka's hand and chuckled. "Yeah, you almost gave me a heart attack though."

Wonka laughed. "That's what everyone says. I just like to keep people on their toes. You have to be alert young man, especially in my factory."

Nate nodded and looked up towards the factory with a smile. "It's a very nice factory..."

"That's just the outside. The best things are inside, and seeing as you decided to come and you're bang on time, why don't I give you that tour I promised in my note, hm?" Wonka asked.

At this the other looked at his watch and saw it was dead on 10am. How on earth did he get there in just under half an hour? He then realised he had rudely not answered and so he nodded quickly. "I'd love that sir." He said.

Wonka grinned and winked before waltzing towards the factory, gesturing for Nate to follow him.

Nate quickly began to walk after him, surprised at just how fast the man could walk, despite his small stature.

Wonka walked up to the door and pushed it open, turning to Nate once more. "Are you ready?"

Nate smirked. "I'm always ready!"

"Then let us begin the tour!" Wonka said and walked inside.

The smell of caramel, apple and a hint of blueberry mixed with the overbearing scent of chocolate hit Nate's nostrils and he felt his mouth begin to water as he stepped inside the large factory and the door closed behind him.

This was going to be his heaven...

A/N: So, what do you think of this one so far? Let me know below. Part 2 of this will be up soon, so I hope you're looking forward to that, even though it is cringe to read.

Please, keep sending me your requests.

Thanks guys.

~Yazooloo ;) <3

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