12- Meet The Secret Exit

Start from the beginning

“Are you mad at me?”

“Of course I’m not,” I gave him a reassuring smile, “Let’s continue the game.”

“I can’t play Mario now,” he sighed, “I,” he tried to continue talking but I was actually able to see how confused he was. I disliked myself so much for putting him in that position.

“How about this?” I tried to sound as careless as possible and I was happy I remembered who was supposed to be the mature one in the relationship, “Let’s stay quiet for a while.”

“What do you mean?”

“I love to do that sometimes,” I got a little bit closer to him, “Just staying in silence with someone.”

“I think I like that idea,” he gave me a sweet smile.

I used to have this strange idea inside of my head. I always considered that I wouldn’t ever be able to be in a relation with someone I couldn’t stay in silence with. Not just a love relationship, even with my friends and family. Not being able to share a silent moment with someone, without it being awkward, just meant that something was not going well. Maybe it was weird but I can tell you that it still works for me.

I turned around and kept my eyes on the roof. I heard Niall sigh a few times but I didn’t turn around to check on him because I wanted to give him some space. A few minutes went by and I was very surprised at how perfect my experiment was going. That silent moment wasn’t awkward at all. I knew about the one millions things that were probably running inside of his mind but I was happy to have the chance to be right there next to him while it happened.

After another while, I decided to look at him and I caught him staring at me, he looked ashamed so he quickly turned around. I kept my eyes on his face for a little longer this time ant it was weird to have the chance to do so. Before that moment, I was always afraid that someone would notice I was staring at him so I couldn’t actually take a proper look of how beautiful he was. I could tell by the pink tone on his cheeks that he knew I was staring at him but I didn’t mind. I analyzed every feature of his face and, as every second went by, I liked him even more.

He turned around and our eyes met. He hesitated for a while and tried to stare at something else but his eyes came right back to me. I could tell he found it awkward at first but then I saw him adjust to my glare and it was beautiful to see that happen. I gave him a smile and he gave me another one in return. I couldn’t get enough of it.

I can close my eyes now and remember exactly how he looked like back then. I’ve said it already but he was so beautiful. Nobody ever made me feel any of the stuff I felt for him, not even Louis. His blue eyes on me were something I couldn’t understand. I felt something pinching my stomach and it scared the hell out of me. It couldn’t have been what I thought it was. Not yet, not so soon. So I decided to shake those thoughts away from me.

All I wanted was to enjoy that moment. Enjoy the feeling of youth again. I wasn’t old or anything. I was barely in my early twenties back then but the life I had made me feel much older than I really was. The pressure, the fame and the constant need to give explanations to people I didn’t even know. That moment with my baby was something new and unexpected. It brought me back to earth and I treasured the feeling with all of my strength. For all of the things I missed for so long. That little boy was the reason why I felt happy again. It would take no time for him to become my everything and I knew it from that exact moment until now.

It was probably the first time that we maintained such a long eye contact with each other and it was a beautiful thing to experience. It became our thing very quickly. Staring at his eyes turned into a way for me to release from everything. He made me feel somehow calm and I know I calmed him down too. Niall was always a little bit to hyper and our silence was the perfect way for him to keep his feet on the ground.

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