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Clubs. Bars. Pubs. Whatever you want to call them. All are crowded, sweaty bodies dancing as alcohol travels through their bodies fueling their emotions as adrenaline pumps in them. Admittedly you don't hate nor love these types of scenes. But who in their right mind would turn down a fun night out with friends? Or even free drinks?

The night started out slow. Taking a couple shots with friends. Chatting with new people. Then more people starting coming in and the music was louder, the lights dimmed and having to pass by couples having a heated make out session. Which wasn't a big shock since mostly everyone in here was sucking face. A handsome or beautiful stranger would offer to buy you a drink. Accepting most and turning down one. The feeling of alcohol entering your bloodstream was beyond words.

You wouldn't call yourself an alcoholic per say, but you don't mind having a couple glasses of wine. A obviously drunk woman stumbles towards you at the bar. It was your friend. Immediately putting your drink down and helping her stand up on the counter and laughing at her disheveled form, you asked what she was doing.

"I'm, just having a good time. I came to bring you to the dance floor- there's a lot of handsome guys."

Her breathe reeked of the hard smell of alcohol. She was going to have a massive hangover tomorrow.

"Okay. Let me just finish this."

Downing the rest of the liquid that was left in the glass, you placed it back down and thanked the person who bought it and helped your friend back onto the dance floor.

It was a bit uncomfortable at first. Having random people grind against you. But you slowly moved away from the creeps and synced back into the rhythm of the pounding music. Your other friends were there laughing and were having a good time. Moments like these were always fun with your small group.

That is until one of said friends tapped your shoulder.

"Hey, that guy over there has been watching you for awhile."

You swiveled around so fast you almost fell.

"Which guy?"

They slowly motioned to a strikingly handsome man.

"That one."

And there he was.

From across the room you connected eyes with the foreign stranger.

You felt your heart beat against your chest, with such force you thought it would burst through and fall onto the ground.

His eyes never left yours as he smiled and winked.

You watched each other for a bit. Till he began to move back to the bar that you left from moments before.

Without thinking you scurried as fast as you could back to your original spot.

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