"Well, what happens now? I mean I didn’t need my parents when they were alive, so I'm going to continue living the way I am now." I spoke with no emotion in my voice what so ever, I guess another piece of me had died with them.

It caught him by surprise, the way I spoke, the way I handled the news. I mean I knew nothing about my parents and I wasn’t going to start now. Something told me he had planned this whole thing, he was an evil twisted man, and I didn’t know what he was up to but I wanted to find out.

"You're taking this so well, I did not expect that. However now that the police know that you are without a guardian, I have filed a case in court and won, I am now your legal guardian. The case didn’t take long since you have no living relatives." His words hit me like a ton of bricks, how could I be in the hands of this mysterious man? How could anyone not see the amount of secrets he was hiding behind those grey eyes!

"And what if I refuse?" I challenged.

"You will be reported to the police immediately so I suggest you go without a fuss little Cassandra" He laughed a laugh so full of victory, it made my blood boil, what was this I was feeling? I never got angry. Or felt anything for that matter. I was always so calm and collected, what was he doing to me?

"Fine" I didn’t let my discomfort show, "What do you want me to do now?" It was a cover up; I needed to make sure that it was this man was and who was behind my parent's death.

"Atta girl," he smiled smugly "You will go home now, pack all your belongings and meet me back here, you will no longer need to work here hence you will be living with me."

I left after nodding in agreement. I knew he lived somewhere near here, id followed him one day; I was so driven by curiosity that I couldn’t help it. I packed my small bag of old clothes and the few hair accessories id gotten from Lillian. A packet of pads just in case, yes Mother Nature had finally decided it was time I grew up. I'd read about it in books so I knew what to do.

Making my way back to meet with Ethan, I was not surprised to see him leaning against his car outside the supermarket waiting for me to arrive. He lifted his head at the sound of my footsteps and waited for me to get to his car. He eyed my small bag but didn’t question it, what had he expected? Suitcases twice the size and weight of me? No. My parents left me nothing.

The drive to his house was silent, but the way his hands slightly shook didn’t go unnoticed by me. Were they shaking in anger or in fear? I had no idea, but the way his jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white indicated anger. I mean he now had a child he had to take care of. Was I really that bad? That everyone who came to know me ended up leaving. I couldn’t help but think about Alexander, did he not find me interesting anymore and decided I was a waste of time, just like my parents?

My train of thought was cut short as the car came to a stop in front of Ethan's house. It was just as big as it was the first time I'd seen it, it looked even bigger up close. How could a guy who owned a few wal-mart branches here and there own a mansion this large?

When he opened the front door of the house, I felt my whole body freeze in shock. The house was beautiful; every piece of furniture and decoration was more elegant and extravagant than the previous one. I admit I had expected uncoordinated colors and cheap paintings hung on the wall, but this, this did not seem like a house a man as young as Ethan would choose to live in. It was as if royalty lived here!

Ethan gave me a light push towards the staircase, that could make anyone descending from it look like Cinderella at the ball even if they were wearing a garbage bag.

"This is your room." He told me as we reached the top of the staircase, "One of the maids will give you a little tour of the house later today. I do not want you to leave this house without my permission, I do not want you to wander into my business, you are not allowed near any of my rooms understand?" He almost growled at me, not pleased with having to share his living space.

"I understand."

"Great, the maids will get you a few new clothes; I do not want to be seen with you wearing those hideous rags." He eyed me from head to toe, clearly disgusted and I couldn’t blame him.

I couldn’t do anything but nod at him and make my way into the room he'd led me to. It was beautiful to say the least. It had a bed that could fit two people smack in the middle, a large wooden closet near what looked like my own bathroom. It was better than I ever expected. I shook my head, trying to think clearly again and turned around to face Ethan who was surprisingly still here.

"Thank You." Both of us didn’t expect what came out of my mouth. Something in his dead grey eyes seemed to come alive for a second before it disappeared as quickly as it came.

He didn’t reply, instead he walked out of the room without a single glance back. That look in his eye alone made my head buzz with questions. Did he too, fall victim to this cruel world, just as I had been? Had I misjudged him? I intended to find out.

A few hours after I was settled in, there was a knock on my door, which startled me; I wasn’t used to company.

"Come in." I said after I regained my composure.

"Hello Cassandra, I'm Stacey. The housekeeper. I heard it was your 13th birthday today, and so I brought you this." A petite blonde woman came into the room with a trey of all the kinds of food I could imagine, she placed it on the desk that was located near the window.

I was yet again speechless as she placed the trey down and smiled at me. It was very sweet of her, and she had just turned my birthday from monstrous to memorable in the time span of three minutes. My birthdays tended to carry so much drama and life changing events. My parents left on my birthday. Bethany left on my birthday. It was depressing yet this one seemed to have gotten a tad better.

"Thank you, so much."

"No problem sweetie. Dig in and when you're done eating come down to the kitchen. I'll give you a tour of the house." With that she gathered herself to her feet and turned around leaving, shutting the door behind her. 

Hey guys! So i don't have many followers and this story is not getting a lot of reads, so please comment and vote  it would mean a lot to me, i want to know what the readers are thinking! Is it too boring? Uninteresting? Please tell. The song i linked is connected SO SO much with the story its the song of the whole story, so listen to it!

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