"Alexander." I said with a nod of my head.

He made his way closer and sat next to me on the bench that seemed to get much smaller. We sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying each other's company but he was the first to break it.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked his eyes full of amusement, but they were much gentler than those of Mr. Woods.

"Having lunch. I work here" I ushered to the supermarket with my hands.

"Why? Aren't you too young to be working?" His gaze was filled with interest.

"That’s my business and my business alone." I said stubbornly, I mean I knew nothing about that beautiful stranger other than his name. 

"Ah, smart girl." He smiled at me as if I had just passed his test. I returned his smile, yet mine was much more crooked.

"You have a pretty smile Sandra; I just wish it reached your eyes."  He analyzed with sadness etched across his beautiful features. Before I could form a reply, he was gone. Just like the first time id met him.  

A weird unsettling feeling swallowed my insides whole, as I made my way back into the building. Who was this boy? And how did he always seem to find me?

During the next month, I sat on that bench during my lunch break. Every single day, maybe it was because I liked the weather, or maybe because I was waiting for Alexander Sharp to appear again. He never did though, yet I still went outside. That was when I first realized, how much of a lethal weapon hope was. Every day my heart broke a little, every day my hope lessened. Until one day I stopped hoping altogether, it was silly of me to be hurt by such ordeal, I mean he couldn’t come here all the time, maybe he had a family, or maybe he even went to school. I knew nothing therefore I couldn’t be upset. However, on the last day of that month, I gave up hope for good. I made a vow to myself to eliminate hope from my mind, from my life; it was no longer a part of me, I guess it died that day and took a little part of me with it.

Two years later;

I worked with Ethan Woods for a long time after that. I worked the day I turned 12, and the day I turned 13. Two years I've lived in this routine of waking up, going to work then going back to the house. It surprised me though when no cops bothered to show up at my door, I thought it would’ve taken them less time than that, my parents never tried to communicate with me, not once. It wasn’t like I was expecting them to, I mean they never did.

As a new 13 year old, I walked to the supermarket; I could do it with my eyes closed. I mean I did it every day for two years now. That day however, didn’t follow the routine. My life was officially changed forever. It was something I never expected, life threw me a curve ball and it threw me off guard.

The day of my thirteenth birthday;

Walking to see Mr. Woods like I've been doing for the past two years I knocked on his wooden doors and just like always, he was expecting me.

"Cassandra have a seat." He smirked at me, which made me wonder, how old was this guy, really?

"It is your 13th birthday today. Am I correct?" he asked but he didn’t need to, he already knew.

"Yes, you are."

"Well Cassandra, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the police came by today, and informed me that your parents were brutally murdered on their way to London. They were heading there for business but I guess they couldn’t survive a day in the streets of London" as he broke the news to me, his voice was far from sorry, far from sympathetic, I couldn’t figure out why his eyes seemed to gloss over. Even if it was just a little.

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