Chapter 9

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She woke up in her futon. There was a fog in her brain. Then the fog lifted and anger rushed through her and she sat up too fast. Shit, that hurt. She pushed herself up onto her knees and stood up slowly. Then she allowed herself to be angry again.

"The nerve of those two! I'll show you who's a little mouse, you... you... snake!"

She was just getting started on what was sure to be an epic rant when one of the maids slid back the door and arrested her mid-flow. She tried to have the good grace to look mildly contrite at the maid's aghast expression. The staff were not impressed with her. The relationship had not improved when she'd kicked out the maids who were trying to bathe her. It's not like I've had Sengoku-era etiquette lessons. How was I supposed to know what a big deal it was?

Between Mitsuhide's lessons and the immersion in the language, she was now able to handle basic interactions. This did seem to be helping somewhat with the maids.

「Good morning, Lady Ness.」

「Good morning, Yui.」

「Your pronunciation is improving, my lady.」

「Thanks to your help.」

Yui had taken charge of the situation that was her sudden appearance in the Tokugawa household. She was a polite, no-nonsense kind of lady and Ness wouldn't have crossed her in a million years. She was that scary. She slipped the night kimono down Ness' shoulders and went to work tying her into a kimono the colour of cornflowers. The sleeves of the kimono were stupidly long, something to do with her status, and that reminded her she really needed to ask about getting more practical clothing.

「Is there something I can help you with, my lady?」

「I wish to see the lords.」

「They have already requested your presence. I will come get you soon.」

And with that, Yui bustled out again and gave her no opportunity to say anything more. She was starting to suspect that Yui might work for Mitsuhide. She was too good at keeping her in line.

"Those bastards, I swear, when I..."

She interrupted herself this time when her gaze fell on the package of tea that was neatly wrapped up on the table. All other signs of her midnight tea ceremony with Mitsuhide had vanished. She sat down and spooned the tea leaves out, pulled her sketchpad close, and got to work.

"What is in this tea, anyway?"

By the movement of the sun across the floor, she judged that about two hours had passed when she finally closed her sketchpad. Tea was scattered over everything. She was angrier now. Even Yui said nothing when she finally came to take her to Ieyasu's rooms.

"Mitsuhide! You snake!"

The man in question, who absolutely knew he was a snake, turned his head and gave her a pleasant smile. He was still stupidly handsome but now she was stupidly angry so it was fine.

"Why didn't you warn me about that tea?!"

"I told you, I didn't know. I also drank it."

"And yet you were fine. Weird considering that tea could knock out a horse."

「What's happening?」said Ieyasu.

Ness rounded on the doctor and glared. Then she stomped closer until she was looking up into his face. He didn't seem intimidated. He just looked irritated.

"What's happening? You're joking, right?"

Before Mitsuhide even got a chance to get a word of translation in, she launched off on a tirade. The kitsune closed his mouth and shrugged.

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