Chapter 42

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Ness slipped out of the inn just as the rising sun was beginning to cast a soft glow of pink and orange over the little town. This place could not match the scale and grandeur of Azuchi, but there were already more than a few people up and about, getting ready for the day ahead. Sasuke waited for her across the road, leaning against a wall, his clothing a deep forest green that blended with the slowly evaporating shadows.


Ness threw her arms around her fellow time-traveller in a tight embrace. Man, am I glad to see you. I was starting to worry that you wouldn't get my letter. Sasuke patted her awkwardly on the back then drew away to look at her face.

"It's good to see you looking so well, Ness."


"I'm sorry for... interrupting you."

Sasuke adjusted his glasses and his gaze skipped away from her. Ness tried to keep the blush from her face and failed. How could he not notice? They were both there with you and you were... very naked. Ness floundered for a moment, not sure how to explain something that she couldn't even explain to herself, then decided to brush it off.

"That's okay. I'm sorry about those two. Are you alright?"

Sasuke's face shifted into something that might have been a frown, "I am used to Kenshin trying to kill me, but I'll admit that was rather intimidating."

"I'm really starting to worry about the terms of your employment, Sasuke."

"Death threats are Kenshin's way of showing affection."

"That... doesn't make me worry less."

"It's unorthodox," said Sasuke, "But he keeps me on my toes."

"You'll have to tell me about it sometime. But right now, I only have ten minutes to talk to you."

"What happens after that?"

"They kill you."

"Oh. They're a little... overprotective, aren't they?"

"That's the understatement of the century. Anyway... there's something I needed to tell you. I'm sorry you had to come all this way to hear it, though."

"What is it? Your letter sounded urgent, but it was a bit... vague."

Ness took a deep breath, "I'm looking for somebody. Somebody who... came with us on our journey."

Sasuke blinked, "Wait. There's a third time-traveller?"

"Yes. He was... following me. That night."

A dark shadow passed over Sasuke's face, and he hesitated, "Ness..."


"I heard you were... in bad shape, when you arrived in Azuchi."

"Where did you hear that?"

Sasuke shrugged, "You don't want to know. Ness... did this man do that to you?"

Ness sighed, "Yes. He did."

"Then... why would you look for him? If you take him back to the future with you, you'll be in danger."

She couldn't help but notice how he'd phrased that. If I take him back with me? What about you? She studied him for a moment, but she couldn't tell what he might be thinking, and she didn't have time to question him. How long have I been out here? How long before they come looking for me?

"I know that, Sasuke, but we can't leave him here. Who knows what damage he'd do? He's already tried to kill Ieyasu."

"The Tokugawa Shogunate ushered in centuries of peace and prosperity for Japan. Without him..." he trailed off, his eyes thoughtful.

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