Chapter 47

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... do what you want to do, this time.

Ness stood in the doorway to the sleeping area, thinking over Ieyasu's parting words to her as she silently watched Mitsuhide. He was seated on the futon, back resting against the wall, his posture one of complete relaxation. His eyes were closed. She was undecided on whether he was actually asleep or not.

I don't regret not spending time with Ieyasu while he was sick because... he lived. Is that what you're trying to tell me, Ieyasu? To have no regrets when Mitsuhide d-

"How long are you going to stand there for?"

Ness frowned, "How did you know I was here?"

"I can sense your presence. It changes the air in a room."

The kitsune's smile was one of peace and contentment. It transformed his entire expression into something soft. The sight of it put her on edge. He's always been at peace with the idea of dying. Does he know? Her eyes burned with tears and she dragged the sleeve of her kimono across her face to wipe them away.

"Come sit with me, Princess," said Mitsuhide calmly, "If you can spare the time."

It was as if he had been privy to every single thought she'd had since entering the room. It was always unnerving. And he hasn't even opened his eyes. She nodded, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see, but she couldn't quite summon her voice. She was too afraid of what it might reveal to him.

But he smiled again, as if he'd heard her nod her head, and lifted one hard up to beckon her. She padded across the mat and sat down on the futon next to him, her shoulders hunched and her body tense with dread. Mitsuhide wrapped his arm around her. She took a deep, shuddering breath, his warmth drawing some of the tension out of her.

"Where did he go?"

"He's looking for supplies. So... we can work here."

"I see. And what will you do?"

"I can't start until..."

Until Ieyasu brings me something. Until you get worse and I have a better idea of what I'm dealing with. Maybe not even then. She stared at the wall and willed herself to stay strong. Fuck. How can I? How can I do this again?

"So... you're waiting. It's not a skill you're good at."

Ness sighed, "He said he wouldn't be back for a while."

"Is that what he said?" said Mitsuhide, amusement warming his voice.

"I'm sorry. It's a long list."

She felt the vibrations through his body first, his arm shaking, before the laughter erupted from his lips. She had the feeling that she had somehow missed something. He sounded utterly delighted.

Ness frowned, "What's so funny?"

"Oh. Nothing, little mouse."

Mitsuhide pulled her even closer, until her head rested against his side. He took a deep breath, and let out a long, contented sigh. She watched his other hand, motionless in his lap, the fresh bandage that Ieyasu applied hiding the wound. She hesitated, wanting to ask him something, not wanting to upset his sense of contentment.

"What are you so afraid to say?"

"How do you do that? Your eyes are closed."

"I don't need to see you to know when you're holding back. And that isn't what you wanted to ask me."

Ness reached out towards his hand and drew one finger gently across the back of it, the bandage soft beneath her skin. His hand flexed underneath hers.

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