mark & mason; finally in a routine!

Start from the beginning

"It is time for the twins to eat! They are like clock work!" Mark says as he slowly gets up and walks over to the kitchen to make their bottles.

"I'll help you feed one! Come here Oli! Come here, cutie pie. You look just like your Ina! Yes you do!" Lo says as Oliver stares at her.

Oaklyn cries loudly in her swing, wanting to be held like her brother.

"Aww, Oaklyn! It's okay! It's okay, princess! Ina is coming! Ina is coming!" Lo says, trying to calm down Oaklyn.

"She gets jealous of her brother! She does that all of the time if somebody gives Oliver attention and not her." Mark says with a chuckle as he walks back over to the living room with two bottles in his hands.

"Aww! Oaklyn is a princess and wants attention!" Lo says as she smiles at Oaklyn, calming her down some.

Mark hands a bottle to Lo so she can feed Oliver. He then picks up Oaklyn from her swing and begins to feed her.

"It's okay, Oaklyn. It's okay, baby girl." Mark says as he calms Oaklyn down.

"These babies are getting so big already! I can't believe how fast they are growing!" Lo says to Mark.

"I know! They are both back to their birth weights and love to eat. So they will chunky in no time." Mark says to Lo.

Oaklyn and Oliver happily take their bottles for Mark and Lo.

*Oaklyn and Oliver's outfits*

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*Oaklyn and Oliver's outfits*

"Aww, Oaklyn and Oliver's outfits are so cute! I love that they are matching today!" Lo says with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you so much! Mase picked these outfits out when we first found out we were having a boy and a girl." Mark says with a cheeky grin to Lo.

"Aww! That's so cute!" Lo says with a big smile.

Lo and Mark finish feeding Oliver and Oaklyn their bottles and then they put them on their tummy time mats for tummy time!

Oaklyn loves tummy time while Oliver really hates it.

"Let's do some tummy time, Oaklyn and Oliver! Yay! Yay! Tummy time!" Mark says in a babyfied voice to Oliver and Oaklyn.

Oliver and Oaklyn look around the living room and look at each other happily making Mark and Lo awe.

"Oliver looks so annoyed right now while Oaklyn seems so happy." Lo says as she giggles loudly.

"Oaklyn absolutely LOVES tummy time while Oliver really doesn't like it." Mark says to Lo.

Lo takes a few pictures of Oaklyn and Oliver  together to post on her Instagram stories.

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