"How have you been with our babies, Y/N?" Camilla asked as she gave you a piece of chicken.

You smiled, nodding, "Well. They kick me like their enemy though and I feel like a whale but everything has been healthy." You chuckled.

"Of course you'd feel like a whale, you have two human beings inside you. You're a hero." Your brother, Har, said as he motioned towards you, "I can't imagine having two beings inside me."

"Which is exactly why it's women who get pregnant, honey." Meghan joked, making everyone laugh.

"What about you, Harry? How have you been holding up?" Your dad asked, looking at your husband with a smile.

Harry nodded, "Might be an overprotective freak, I admit. But I'm ready for all of this."

"He is overprotective!" Emma laughed, "Just last week I was here and he absolutely went mad over Y/N resting the remote on her bump."

"He hates it when I do that," You put your hand on Harry's arm, looking at everyone as they laughed, "I feel like it's a privilege I just can't not enjoy! Imagine what I can balance on my stomach by the 7th month." You wiggled your eyebrows at Harry as you giggled, watching him shake his head.

"Absolutely not, no," Harry shook his head, "You're not going to balance stuff on our babies."

"Come on! You'd want to do it if you were pregnant, too." Trevor said, looking at Harry.

"But I wouldn't." Harry shook his head, "And I'm sure my very wise wife wouldn't let me do it, right?"

"Definitely would let you." You joked, laughing when he scowled at you.

"Tietie! I can balance toys on my tummy!" Charlotte exclaimed with a grin from where she sat.

You gasped in surprise, "You can? That's amazing! They have to be very light though, you know that, right?"

Given a nod pf assurance, another conversation was then carried among all of you.

"So we're just going to sit here and pretend like we're all not dying to know the gender?" Ava asked, everyone agreeing with her.

"Har called me before we got here," Will laughed as he began talking, watching as his younger brother groaned and hid his face in his hands, "5 minutes of him only crying over the fact that we're having dinner to know the babies' gender," He put his hand on his brother's back, looking at you as you put your hand to your heart and pouted, "Can you believe it, Will? That's our baby sister! She's still small and tiny, when did this happen?"

"If there weren't children here, I swear," Har laughed, looking at Will before chuckling as everyone awed, "What? A man can't get emotional over his baby sister being pregnant?"

"Of course he can!" Anne smiled, "Gemma is still in denial."

"Can't deny it." Gemma chuckled, "That is my baby brother."

"Exactly! Thank you!" Har motioned towards Gemma before looking back at Will, "Don't act like you didn't lock yourself in your office for two hours to cry when she first told us that she was pregnant."

"Hey!" Will's eyes widened, elbowing his brother.

"You did?" You gasped, "Since when were you both this soft?"

"Since always when it comes to you, darling." Your dad replied, turning to look at Anne, "These boys have always been so protective over their sister, ever since she was just a baby."

"Lord forbid the poor girl mentions a guy." Camilla laughed, leaning her head back, "A nightmare."

"Until Harry came." Anne grinned, heart fluttering with pride.

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