Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )

Start from the beginning

Did he change his mind? He didn't want to see me again?Did he choose to stay in the pack house than to be with me? He don't like me anymore? He don't love me that much?

Shucks! I don't have a clue. They didn't even contact me since they left a few days ago. What am I supposed to do?

In the middle of nowhere, someone press the buzzer. My heart skip for a moment. Maybe it's Cley.

I just hope it's him. Oh, gosh! I miss him terribly. I hurriedly open the door with matching smile on my face. Only to feel disappointed. It's Leslie and Andrei. Where is he?

"Bestie, I'm so sorry." Leslie begun to cry when they entered my condo unit. Andrei locked the door.

Sorry? For what? Why? What happened? Why she's crying, for pitty sake!

"Hey. What happened? Why are you crying?" I said in confusion.

"Everyone is gone, Berlyn. I'm so sorry. They all dead. Cley and Andrei's parents. The pack house was destroyed, and all the pack members was dead." Leslie said while crying non stop.

"W-what? What do you mean?" My tears begun to shred quickly. I can't help it. It's just like water flows down to my cheeks. 

"When we go back in Forks, when we reach the pack house, they are already dead. All of them. They are being attack by rogues and vampires. No one left behind. Just me, Andrei and Cley." She said.

"Oh my gosh! W-wheres Cley? Where is he? Is he okay? Why his not with you two?" I asked. My heart begun to ache. I felt so sorry about what happened.

"He's not with us. He sacrifice himself just to save me and Andrei." Leslie said.

"W- what do you mean by that? D- don't tell me he's gone? Oh no, please." I said.

I'm feeling weak right now. I grab the mono block chair beside me and sitted there coz I feel like any moment, my knees will gave up.

Just tell me I'm just dreaming. That I didn't hear all about this. That I'm just mistaken. That Leslie just kidding me. But when I saw her crying, so as Andrei, I know it's all true. That they are serious about this. Oh, shit! Leslie didn't answer that's why Andrei take over.

"In exchange of our freedom, Cley agreed to go with Vladimir. Vladimir wants him to be his allies. He's the king of vampire race. I don't know what happened next coz Cley order us to leave. He said that we need to go and be here with you. He also said that he love you so much." He said.

I can't speak after Andrei said that. Anger, rage and hatred started to form all over me the moment I heared that name. Vladimir! That bullshit! That asshole! That bastard! I can't help myself but to curse that creature.

I tried to calm myself. I feel so depressed right now. And hopeless. I feel like my world is falling apart. I can't take it anymore. Why everytime I want to be happy, something unexpectedly happen?

Am I not allowed to be happy? Am I destined to be miserable my whole life through? That's unfair. I don't get it. Cley is the only person that I love the most. He's the only reason why I wake up every day full of hope and positivity. He's the only reason why I choose to live even the whole world wants me to be gone forever.

He's my everything. Damn you, Vladimir! I hate you! I really- really hate you. I swear, zero percent is your chance of survival when I see you. You're nothing but a piece of crap!

Shit! I close my eyes and try to focus. I need to relax. I need to control my emotions. Being too much emotional is not helping me at all. It only worsen the situation. I need to think positive.

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