
748 14 2

Shawn Mendes
I was surprisingly nervous. Every possible scenario played in my mind, they danced around until my palms were littered with tiny drops of sweat.
What if someone recognised me?
What if I couldn't keep up the lie?
What if I lost my job?
What if another girl came onto me?

"Stop it Shawn" I heard from beside me, a sweet voice that brought me out of my trance. I'd never get bored of hearing that English accent. "You're making me nervous"
"I'm sorry. I'm just stressing out about this. There's so many things that could go wrong." I said and Faye stopped in her path, grabbing my hand.
"Shawn. I'm with you the whole time. Unless I need to pee"
"You always need to pee"
"Not the point. I'm there the entire time. It's going to be fine" she smiled.

I leaned down and cupped her face gently, kissing her lightly, before we started walking to the club again hand in hand.

When we arrived it was exactly how I was expecting it to be. Loud, flashing lights, people basically having sex in every corner. As soon as we stepped inside I saw that everyone was in a costume of some sort, some hardly wearing anything, and I thought I was showing too much skin.
"Faye!" Tyler screamed above the music. "Who's this? I thought you and Shawn were getting back on track?"
"Tyler this is Shawn!" Faye screamed back and I nodded. Tyler's mouth opened wide and I rolled my eyes from behind the glasses.
"Dude I didn't recognise you. Well I'm glad you two came! Enjoy!" He shouted with a smile before he bounced away to another group of people.
"Well then...what do you want to do?" I asked rubbing my hands on my costume trousers.
"Shawn. We've never done this together before. Let's drink and dance and kiss and just be in a relationship." Faye said taking my hands in hers and leading me over to the bar.
"Which one is staying sober?" I asked thinking about a safe way to get us both home.
"I'll drink less than you and stay relatively sober" Faye said kissing my cheek smiling.

I ordered a beer and Faye ordered a vodka and coke before we went to sit at a small table near the back of the packed club.
"This is so nice!" Faye yelled over the base heavy music.
"It's nice to be able to be in public with you!" I yelled back and Faye smiled a beautiful smile before taking a sip of her drink.
"Faye hey!" A girl yelled as she approached our table, Faye rose to hug the girl briefly.
She was Faye's height and I recognised her face. I couldn't pinpoint where from as it was dark with only the flashing lights to illuminate the floor.
"And a friend" the girl winked at me. "You look familiar?!"
"He's my friend back from England, Ron" Faye said and I giggled in my head. I'd forgotten about my new name.
"Nice to meet you Ron" she said, "I'm Alicia" she said and I immediately recognised her as a girl from my class.
"Hi nice to meet you" I said pushing my thick rimmed glasses back up my nose.
"You're not British like Faye!"
"I grew up here" I said and Alicia pulled up a chair next to me. I heard Faye let out a sigh and I smiled. "So you guys are just friends?"

I looked toward Faye and she discreetly shrugged her shoulders. She nodded and although I looked at her confused I still turned back to Alicia, "yeah we're just friends"
The words felt uncomfortable and foreign coming out of my mouth. I never wanted to say that me and Faye were just friends ever again. It pulled at my heart to say those words.

"Oh! Good!" Alicia laughed and immediately a sense of nerves set in my chest.
"How's your boyfriend?" Faye said as the loudness of the music was dialled down.
"Oh we broke up. That's why I came here. To find something new and I didn't have to look very far!" Alicia laughed.
"Do you want to dance?" I aimed at Faye and she looked taken back but nodded. I smiled down at Alicia, " Nice to meet you"
"I'll catch you soon!" She said as me and Faye walked away.

I walked as far away from Alicia as I could, into the dancing crowd of people. As soon as we were hidden from her prying eyes I grabbed Faye, pressing my lips to hers.
"That killed me" I said as I rested my forehead against hers. "I never want to just call you my friend. I've never wanted that" I kissed her again roughly, holding her body close to me.
"This is a change for you" Faye said playing with my hair.
"I just want to be close to you" I said kissing her lips quickly.
Faye started to move her body to the music just a few steps away from me. She got more and more into the moves, and as I glanced round I could see she was getting more male attention.  I moved a bit myself pulling her waist back to me, wanting to let all those prying eyes know that if Faye was leaving with anyone tonight, it would be me.

"I need to pee" Faye said and I nodded.
"I'll go and get us a drink" I said and we parted ways, leaving an unsettling feeling in my chest.

I stood at the bar patiently waiting for Faye to come back.
"Uh oh. Trouble in paradise?" I heard a familiar voice say.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as Alicia put one of her hands on my chest, which I was regretting keeping bare.
She pointed to a spot near the toilet entrance where I saw a man kissing Faye. A jealous rage peaked in my chest at the thought of her kissing someone else.
"See. She's enjoying herself. Now why don't we do the same?" Alicia said in a semi seductive tone. But the more I looked at Faye I realised something was off. "Be mad at her. Let me help you" She said kissing my neck.
But then when I looked over at Faye, my thoughts were confirmed. She was struggling to get away from him.

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student 2 • Shawn Mendes Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora