Chapter 14 ( The Attack )

Start from the beginning

No matter where he's hiding, I'm gonna find him and kill him instantly. He doesn't deserve to live at all! They deserve to be rot in hell. Tss. That Vladimir pissed me off! He makes me look haggard and stress just this early in the morning!

Relax, Berlyn. You don't deserve to be stress by that creature. Loosen up, okay. Breath in, breath out. Stay calm. Stay focused. That's right.

Just think about your goal and everything that inspires you. Or better think about Cley. She's your inspiration, right? Tss. I smiled and I can't help but to reminisce what happened before he leave New York.

Honestly, nothing happened. The moment I entered Leslie and Andrei's room that time, we just hug each other, kissed each other till were both breathless and satisfy the longing we felt for years. 

Which is natural for me coz I miss him that much, okay. What are you expecting me to do? Just staring at him the whole time without doing anything?

We both miss each other, you know. So that's it. Gosh, I'm not good in explaining at all! But we don't cross the border or boundaries, yet, okay.

Were just kissing and we're not go to the point of making love. He's a conservative type, I think? If he insisted that, I'm willing to do it. But he control himself so that's it. And I'm glad that he's gentleman at all. Some other time, maybe? There's a right time for that, okay. Don't get so excited. Cheesy mind, stop it. That's it! Aja - Aja, fighting!

Cley's Pov:

I don't know why I have this weird feeling. It feels like something's not right. As if I'm nervous and it makes me feel worried. What was happening? Is it about Berlyn? Is she in danger again? What was wrong?

My inner wolf told me that Berlyn was fine. That there's nothing wrong with her. Is it about the pack? Is there something wrong in the pack house? Oh my! I just hope I'm only mistaken.

No, this can't be. The pack house was safe, okay. Nothing to worry about. Stop this nonsense, Cley. You worried too much.

After five hours of boarding on plane, and another three hours traveling from Fork City, we reached the pack house.

Silence surrounds us as we enter the gate of our mansion. The guards supposedly on duty by this time wasn't there on their designated post. I don't see any werewolf outside the mansion and in the field where they are conducting training. Somethings really wrong.

"Andrei, can you sense it? I think there's happening in the pack house. The silence was so upsetting." I mind link to Andrei.

"Your right, Alpha. I hate to think about it, but I guess we were under attack!" Andrie replied through link.

"I'm a little bit nervous here, guys." Leslie said. Andrei tried to comfort her. We decided to stop from entering the mansion for a moment while we are assessing what was happening.

I tried to mind link with dad but there's no response. I tried again with my mom this time, but she didn't respond either. Lastly I mind link to Allen and Erl, our gamma, but still no response.

Shit! What was happening? My heart begin to pumped rapidly. No, this can't be happening. I need to focus. I need to make a plan. We decided to walk slowly inside the mansion. Eager not to make any sounds.

Andrei is behind me while Leslie holding on tightly to Andrei. Nervous was written all over her face. I need to be brave. I need to made up a plan if ever.

When I open the front door, different kind of emotions was covered all over my face. I feel like my body feel shiver. I can't move. I feel stunned. Andrei and Leslie too.

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