chapter 14: star player

Start from the beginning

"Nothing," Miss. Arthur shakes her head. "Nothing at all. You guys have done wonderful work on the pieces I assigned, but something's changed with the self-help piece and we're going to need to hold it off until next month's issue. With that being said, I thought this would be a great time to fill it in with a piece on the big homecoming game and the announcement of the court."

"Is there ever anything the football team doesn't have to take over?" I whisper my sarcastic question to Isla who just snickers, pressing her lips together as she tries to focus her attention on Miss. Arthur.

"So, what I'm thinking is we'll knock the pep rally piece from the front page and do a write up on the team and an interview with their star player and nominee for homecoming king, Felix Montgomery," she explains her thinking and I try to contain the eye roll that comes at the mention of his name. "Sound good?"

"Who's doing the piece about Felix and the team?" Another one of the writers ask.

"That's the next piece of business we need to discuss. With the issue going out on Friday, I need them in by Thursday which doesn't leave much time. I know it's a time crunch, but would anyone like to volunteer?" She asks and I look around the room as a few of the writer's hands shoot up, all girls. All probably wanting one on one time with the school's golden boy.

"Janelle, why don't you take this one?" She asks one of the senior writers. "And Stevie, I'm going to need you on the field to get a few shots of the team and Felix."

"What?" I frown. "Why me?"

"You're our head photographer, Stevie. I'm depending on you," she pleads.

"Okay, but what about Max? Or Camille?" I point out two of our other photographers.

"Stevie," she says my name firmly and a sigh falls from my lips. "Come on, I need you to do this for me. Felix is their star player and your ours."


It's just words to guilt trip me into giving into her demand and I don't have a choice. It's my job and I have to do it, no matter how badly I don't want to. I'm the head photographer and I'm in charge of front page photos, so no matter the reason or my feelings, I know I have to do it.


"Thank you! I'll let Coach Davidson know to expect the both of you and that means you'll both be excused from our after school meeting, alright?" She asks and we all nod in unison. "Great. You're excused. Go enjoy the rest of your lunch."

"What is my luck?" I groan as I get up from the table with Isla, collecting my notebook.

"Maybe it's the universes way of telling you to work it out with him," she hums out and I glare at the suggestion.

"Well, the universe can screw off," I growl as we head out of the library, heading for the outdoor courtyard to meet up with Miles and Robyn. "I hate that I accepted this stupid job."

"No, you don't," she shakes her head. "It's going to look really good on your application for college that you were head photographer your junior year."

"It wouldn't have made that big of a difference," I argue, though I know she's right.

I'm still not even sure I want to go to college after high school. I know it works for a lot of people but I'm not sure how beneficial it'll be for me to go to school for photography. Being out in the world seems like such a better option for me, and I know for a lot of people their dreams die because they can't afford it. A shame to the world, thinking there are people in the world that could have the cure for cancer but can't afford to go to med school.

The thought scary to think about.

"Hey, you two," Miles cheerfully looks up from his tray of food when we walk up to the table. "That didn't take very long."

Isla shakes her head as she sits down next to him. "Nope, she just wanted to talk about changing the front page article because of the football team. Stevie's overjoyed."

"Why?" Robyn laughs.

"It's nothing."

"Not nothing," Isla shakes her head, eyeing me with gently eyes. "She has to go to football practice after school to take pictures of the team and Felix."

"Seriously?" Robyn asks. "Can't one of the other photographers do it?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Apparently it has to be me."

"You couldn't explain the situation to Miss. Arthur?" Miles questions and I sigh softly.

"I probably could have but she would have made me go to the principal to talk about the situation," I roll my eyes. "It's not that big of a deal. I'll get in there, do my job and get out. Quick, sweet and to the point."

"I'll be there if you need back up," Robyn assures me.

"I'd come keep you company too but you know how Miss. Arthur gets if you miss a meeting without reason," Isla rolls her eyes, annoyed and I smile.

"Thanks guys, but I can handle myself," I tell them. "Really. Felix Montgomery isn't about to take me down."


It is presently 12:44am and I'm just a ball of energy right now, so, I'm going to work on another chapter and hopefully do a double update when I wake up...? Don't hold me to that.

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