Lancelot looked like he was considering for a minute and then answered “alright pretty thing. Be happy with Lord Arthur”

Jenn got up quickly and half running back to the camp, she found a tiny knife that one of the knights must have put out that was used to cut the food. She grabbed it hastily and ran back to Lancelot.

She knelt down beside him and cut the ropes. Firstly around his feet and then around his hands. She then moved away to give Lancelot some room to get up. The man got up, and she realised that he was pretty much as tall as Arthur when she met him about 6 feet if not more ( Jenn was not good with heights).

Just then, all of a sudden, Lancelot moved quickly towards her and kissed her on the lips , Jenn freezing in shock. Within seconds he replied “Thanks pretty” And limped off towards the forest that they were close too.

Jenn put a hand on her lip and smiled stupidly.

Arthur’s POV


Morgan had been busy dressing Mordred, in preparation for the arrival of Guinevere my soon to be wife. I was still not sure what I thought of her, only that something deep inside of me lightened up when I saw the girl. I could not tell what it was but instantly I felt a fondness towards her.

I remembered her features, the beautiful, ocean blue eyes, her hair long and silky and her smile- it was charming and at the same time naïve but experienced. I did not know why I was thinking this way for never had I thought I would like a woman such.

But I must not forget my reasons. She is firstly my queen and for her to give me the sons that I desire I shall protect her land.

My old battle wound is hurting. That time when I got hit arrow in the leg. Sure I had worse beforehand but this one seems to annoy me the most. I noticed that I limped down the stairs, it was within hours that Guinevere would arrive and the next day we should be married. The next day, she would have my son in her belly, the son that I had waited for a long time.

But what if she finds out about-

My thoughts are interrupted by Morgan entering my chamber. She smiles at me as she always has and says “I know your worries Arthur, I think them right. Your preposition about your friend is fair. I accept” I smile warmly at her and then she hugs me. She was always the sister that I needed despite not of my blood.

I had arranged for her to be married. She would marry and old friend of mine, one of my knights – I am sure that he would look after her. She could visit me any time however along with Mordred. It was for the best I would think. One of the knights that helped me in time of my need in claiming my throne.

Morgan watches me now silently. I can tell that she knows what I think, I can see her now, she scans me those green eyes – almost from head to toe.

“Your old wound?” she asks pointing to my leg. I nod. I had stopped trying to figure out how she knows about everything that I feel. She tells me that she would prepare a herb to me, so that it would not hurt, now in fact so that I don’t limp when I see Guinevere arrive.


I stand there as the carriage opens. Out of it my wife Guinevere comes out in the most beautiful blue dress that I had ever seen. It fits so well on her, hugging her figure and matches the eyes. She looks shyly at me as she approaches and bows, before I acknowledge formally her arrival. I give her my hand and she gets up. Then I move her closer to me and give a quick kiss on the lips, feeling the warmth of her breath. She is not sure if to respond. I pull away after what feels like ages to me but in reality is probably seconds. She opens her eyes and watches me like a child her mother, to see if she had done everything right. I smile and she softens.

I lead her to her chamber for a rest and so that she can get ready for our wedding, I for one need to get ready too.


After the celebration of our wedding I lead my wife into my chamber. She is nervous I can tell and for some reason I am too. Sure it was simple to give her my child to her belly but never before had I felt this way. I was nervous yes but – I wanted her to – would it be love me?

I wanted to give her happiness that is what I know. I knew that I would try be gentle and patient with her. She smiled at me unsure and I ask her to lie down on the bed. She lies there obediently and waits.  I stand by a window for a minute that I opened and breathe in the fresh air. I calm down a little and then take my shirt off. I want to be gentle so I come closer to her and start kissing her on the neck. I look up at her and notice that she closed her eyes. I start to remove her gowns and soon very soon I know that I will have a son.

She lies close to me now. At least she is not this nervous now. I sit up and stare at her naked body thinking. Then I put my hand on her belly and whisper to her “ my love and wife, from this day forth we will be blessed with a child”.

and so concludes another chapter of 6th dimension :) This is also the end of part 1- If only wishes could come true ( I did not specify that earlier but I am now) next there will be part 2 - the queen of Camelot. See you there :)

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