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"I am who I am. Not who you think I am. Not who you want me to be. I am me."

With the new year that has just rolled in and the passing of time there is a lot of change. As humans we are constantly changing and evolving. With this change comes the question of change within yourself.

People change of course. Sometimes for better and sometimes for worst. Sometimes people don't change at all but there perception of you does. Who or whatever they perceive you isn't always accurate. You are only one who can say you are.

Belive it or not people will try to change you to fit there persona of who they think you should be. But humans are not malleable objects to shaped into "ideal" friends, family or partners. We're people of emotion and personality meant to defined by our own limitations not anyone else's.

Even through this crazy time of life where everyone and everything is changing no one can tell me who I am because no one knows me better than me.

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