#3 Prison

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           "HEY!!" the police man shook me as I was passed out.

            Instead of an answer, I gave a snore instead.  He rolled his eyes, and ran his fingers through his dark hair. 

            Finally, after ten minutes of driving, we are arrived at the prison. The police man shuffled out of the car and opened the car door when I'm sitting. He took off my seatbelt, and grabbed me with both arms, after it looked so romantic, sort of how a man carries a girl when she dies, in a movie. I slowly started waking up, in his arms, as I keep trying to wake up, my eyes blurred so many colors. I started thinking, 'Am I in heaven? Is god taking my soul?'.  My eyes finally cleared up and I saw this handsome man, wearing a police uniform carrying me. I blushed noticing, that he did not notice I am awake yet.  I looked into his eyes as he was carrying me as if I was dying. 

            "Oh your awake." He said grumpily.

             "H-huh? W-What happen-" I got cut off.

             "Oh well you did nothing much,"


              "Except you drove drunk, hit a car, and got arrested." he finished after my relief.

               "WHAT?!" I screamed and suddenly blushed.

                "You know um.." I pointed to the position I am in.

                 "Oh, sorry." he rolled his eyes as he said that.

                  I felt hot tears form a layer around my eyes. I was also red in anger, 'It was not my fault I was in the freaking joint'. All of a sudden I burst into tears angry.

                   "it's not my fault, I'm in this mess!" I bursted in tears.

                    "IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR TAKING DRUGS!" he screamed back at me.

                     "P-Please.." I started to run, but weakly I fell. He grabbed a bat and started hitting me with it, it just made me cry even more.

                      "CALM DOWN!....calm down.." He said loudly, then gently.

                       I sat up, 'does he really think i'm going to calm down? This is my worst nightmare. I have many dreams about being locked up in a cell with nothing to do. Especially knowing I always have to do something... but Yoongi is right.. I am boring..' My loud cries turn softer, and softer out of sadness, and insecurity. 

                       "I don't belong here... I don't even belong on earth.." I said.

                        Him and another police man were behind me, leading me inside, and into my cell. The other police man had grayish hair, very short, not as long as the handsome one. This police man was wearing a hat, being in the same uniform as the other one. His eyes were a bit smaller than the handsome one, but something about him made him look attracting as well. I looked down sadly as they lead me to my cell. The police man with the grayish hair pushed me in roughly.

                         "OW!! YOU HAD TO DO IT SO ROUGHLY?!" I screamed at him.

                           "Yep he's crazy." The guy with the silver hair said.

                            The guy with the darker hair looked at me as if he felt bad that the other guy pushed me hard. I was on the ground groaning.

                            "Ow..." I said in pain.

                             "Hey, Namjoon you can go ahead and go on patrol, I'm staying here with the inmates to keep them company" The handsome officer said.

                              "Fine" The other officer said grumpily.  

Sorry my chapters have been short lately I will probably make a longer one next chapter UwU

Police man; A Jungkook x hobi fan fictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum