♪ Chapter 31 ♪

Start from the beginning

Her father and I also had a chat. We discussed Maddy and my plans with her. He also threatened me but it was nothing I couldn't handle for my mate. For her, I would gladly hand over myself to her father to torture me. He saw that and he approved.

Which got me all thinking. I wanted to marry her. It might have been a stupid idea to think of this while she was kidnapped but all this time has taught me one thing and that was 'You only know what you have lost when you have lost it'. I agreed a hundred percent. I never thought these things would happen but it's happening at this moment. I wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together legally as well and not just in werewolf terms. Besides, I owed it to her too. The thing that is the mate bond had given her a mate before but he was useless and terrible. I wanted to show her that I was different and that I really wanted her and cared for her for the rest of my life. 

Which is why I decided that the minute we get her back, I'm going to get her a ring that she deserves.

With new resolution in my mind, I sucked in a deep breath and put on a poker face. Tanner looked at me hesitantly, like he was unsure of what I was going to do. I didn't mind considering the past few days have been hell for all of us. Funny to see what would happen when you take the heart out of a single organism.

That was a good analogy. The structure of a pack was like a single organism, where everyone depended on each other with the higher-ups as the major organs or cells. For example, I would be the brain as the Alpha and my Luna would be the heart. Without the heart, the organism wouldn't be able to live so long and with help, yes it can live but not without struggle.

"I'm ready," I said clearly.

Tanner stared at me for a few seconds then nodded with a small smile. "Good to have you back, Alpha."

I nodded once. We left the room and made our way to the war room which was basically my father's office. My heart beat faster as we got closer and closer. I was ready to end this thing.

I knocked on the door once and walked in. All chatter ceased and everyone turned to look at me. "Nice of you to join us, Hunter," Henry stated loudly. I nodded.

"We need to end this," I replied.


Maddy's POV

I was bored. My mother would hum or just stare into space most of the time, leaving me to think about the words of Alpha Penn. 

What did they do? Was my mother included in their plans and if so, how? Was anyone else involved? Were there more targets? and for what was this whole thing about in the first place? For greed in power? While it made sense, there was no point in keeping my mother for 10 years and kidnapping me. It would have been better and also easier to just kill her off so why were they keeping her alive?

With the amount of food and water I was receiving, my brain just wasn't working as well. I needed more glucose to think more but I didn't have it. I was tired, lethargic and drowsy. All I wanted to do was to sleep it all off. Maybe when I wake up it would all be a dream and I'd be in bed with Hunter. 

Yeah right. 

I shook my head wildly. My first order of business would be to find out what the actual fuck was going on. But with her in dreamland, that plan is easily out the door. Perhaps my next order of business would be to escape. While that thought seemed easy enough, I knew it definitely wasn't. There had to be guards outside this door and more. Furthermore, I didn't know where we are. If my mother did know, I don't know if I can fully trust her with the escape plan. So asking her would be risky. 

I closed my eyes and let out a deep exhale. The first order of business was to calm myself down to conserve energy. I would need a lot of adrenaline for when I try to escape. I can't afford to do it more than once. Not only is my body already weakened but there would probably be more guards keeping me from leaving. I need to figure out where and how many guards are guarding us. Distance and timing is the key point here. I need to be able to make a full journey without an Alpha and his pack (maybe ?), chasing me or us, if my mother was on board. 

I paused my thoughts. She's been here for ten years, I'm surprised she's never tried to escape. I swallowed. I took in a deep breath. Its time to start the first point on my checklist. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were my mother?" I whispered softly, glancing over at her. The twitch of her fingers told me she heard me.

She breathed in deeply, her eyes still closed. "Would you have believed me if I told you that?" She replied, sighing. "I've waited years to meet you but I knew it would be hard for a child to believe a random woman they met is their mother." she frowned, looking right at me. 

I swallowed. It was true. It would have been a hard truth to swallow. The fact that Alpha Penn was the one that told me made sense. Why would an evil man lie? He already had me in his clutches so there was no point in lying unless he wanted to blackmail-

"Was he blackmailing you?" I asked, louder. She bit her lip. That gave me my answer. "How?" I narrowed my eyes.

"There are a lot of things that you don't know happening, Maddy," she answered softly. 

"No shit! No one wants to tell me anyway, so how am I going to find out?" I rolled my eyes, frustrated. 

"I'm trying to protect you." She frowned. I sighed.

"Protecting me while we're both stuck here is not really working." I almost groaned. Stubborn woman. 

"As long as you're safe, I don't mind if you hate me." She said softly, eyes downcast, staring into the distance. 

"Where are we anyway? In Penn or Wembley's packs?" I asked, closing my eyes. 

"We're a little further away from Wembley's place." She answered me. Bingo. 

I opened my eyes. "What do you mean?" 

"We're in a top-secret facility." 

"Facility.... as in official? Like a classified area? Science lab?" I furrowed my brows. She breathed in before nodding.

"This is an area where they keep their prisoners," she replied. "It is official, it was never used for the purpose it was built for though. It was all a farce for them to take the entire country." 

"What on earth...." I mumbled. " Could you start from the beginning please?" I raised an eyebrow. 


"No. I want and deserve to know what is happening. Since you've been blackmailed to stay here for 10 years, I would assume I was the trump card?" She hesitated to answer. I nodded. "Well, it's not blackmailing if the trump card is with the one blackmailed anymore right?" I grinned.

"What are you saying, Maddy?"

"I'm saying, that its time to go back to them. But first, I need to know everything."

A/N: Hi guys! ...... Yeahhh, I know I've been gone for so long whoops. I had a super huge writer's block on this book. To be honest, I lost track of what I was writing after a while so the block really hit me hard. My creative juices just weren't flowing for this book. Then there was school which by the way, 5 subjects per semester in uni is so hard!!! I'm just wondering how I studied so many subjects in high school geez.  

ALSO, special thanks to those who are sticking to read this book even after how many years I've written it. I don't deserve it but thank you. And to those who asked me personally if I was continuing it, THANK YOU! It forced me to think of a plot for the future of this book and I can gladly say I have it :) 

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