10. Sugar Coat It.

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10. Sugar Coat It.


The car came to a complete stop and Anthony came around to the back, pulling me out. I took a better look at him and he doesn't look any better than the last time I saw him on my morning walk.

My mind was racing, trying to figure out how to communicate with my body to get it to either flee or fight but it just couldn't. All it could do was remain paralyzed as he dragged me inside the house of hell.

What was he going to do to me? Why can't he just leave me alone? If I'm lucky he'll just kill me and I'll never have to live another day in this state of mind.

I saw his friends sitting on the couch with looks that clearly showed they didn't want to be apart of this. Eyes of pity were all staring at me when I was completely inside this prison. One of his friends looked more like he wanted to kill Anthony but he knew he couldn't. I wished he could.

"Keep an eye on her. If ol' nigga come by, blast him." Anthony instructed, tossing me over to his friends. He descended to the basement, from what it sounded like.

"Why haven't you ran off?" The sweetest one asked. The one who offered me his car many months ago.

"I-I just couldn't." My voice so quiet and shrill. I knew his friends would never lay a hand on me, only offer a helping one. This brought a small sense of comfort, which helped calm me down just a little bit.

"Do you have your phone?" The other asked. I shook my head. "You got anyone we could call to get you? We can't take you anywhere or we're dead on the spot." He said in a whisper.

"Yeah, my boyfriend." The sweet one handed me his phone.

"Put his number in and we'll get a hold of him." He said with a small reassuring smile. I took the phone and put in Chris' number, looking over it to make sure I got each digit correct. "We're gonna get him, just try not to piss off Anthony, alright?" I nodded.

"How long do you think?" I asked as they stood up.

"I don't know but we're gonna move fast. Just hang in there." He surprised me by giving me a hug.

"Anthony! We gotta jet, deal gone wrong and James needs us!" The other yelled. They didn't wait for Anthony's response, they fled the house, I saw the sweet one's phone pressed right to his ear before the door closed behind them.


Here I was sitting in the living room. I could try to make a run for it but I don't even want to know what would happen if I didn't get away in time or if he caught me.

I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. I regret ever meeting Anthony- scratch that. I regret ever being born. I was never an interest to anybody, just a person who was slaved around, who's insecurities and virtually no self esteem were used to others advantage. What was even my purpose to being in this world? Just to be degraded as a human being having to comply to others demises?

This is a life no one should ever live. I wouldn't even call it a life. Losing hair, pale complexion, and just feeling like nothing, are the side effects that come with this life. As well as home made tattoos from bruising and scars.

Hennessy, you've been broken down to property that just gets passed around. You're essentially nothing to the eyes of others. Lord take me today, let Anthony just finally finish me so then I'm out of this forever-lasting nightmare.

I heard the daunting sound of the door knob turning. The loud pounding footsteps coming closer to me.

"They seriously just left?" He asked looking hard at me. I just dropped my head, I didn't want to look at him.

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