6. It's Okay.

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6. It's Okay.


I could remember when I was about 4, maybe 5 years old. I was hiding under the coffee table in the living room as I heard screaming from Mom's room. I couldn't understand what was going on but I knew it wasn't right.

The man walked out of the room with his hands pulling on his belt, through the belt loops and Mom following behind, holding her neck. The man gave Mom a kiss before walking out of the house.

That memory always remained with me. I later realized that man was just a boyfriend of Mom's and he would abuse her. I always told myself I wouldn't be in a relationship like what Mom was in. Look where you ended up Hennessy. Just like your Mom.

I let out a deep sigh, resting my head in my hands as I sat alone at the table. It's been a long three and a half weeks since speaking to Chris.

That day I was supposed to leave, never happened because I was so terrified. Texing Chris that only made him upset and never returned a call or text. I have no idea what he's done with my stuff that was kept at his house, but I knew it wasn't back here.

To make matters worse, I have the possibility of being pregnant. I hadn't been taking my pills for a while now and throwing up a few mornings in a row raised suspicions. I hadn't thrown up for about 2 days straight, so I was hoping I just had a stomach bug. That's what I told Anthony; I had just a stomach bug.

I couldn't just run out to the store and take an at home pregnancy test. Anthony was watching me like some prison guard. The doctors office was out of mind, I could never walk clear across town without raising suspicion. So I had to just patiently wait it out.

1:58 p.m. -Me: Chris, I know you're mad at me, but I need you really badly right now. My situation could possibly just get a thousand times worse.

I set my phone down and just prayed he would answer back. Hopefully now because Anthony was knocked out from his recent medications. The only good part about his meds, are they make him drowsy so he ends up sleeping throughout most of the day. Mornings are when he's at his worst and is more likely to put his hands on me.

2:05 p.m. -Chris: what do you mean?

My heart nearly skipped several beats when I heard my phone vibrate on the wooden table and I read his words. Finally.

2:05 p.m. -Me: There's a high possibility that I could be pregnant.

Pressing that send key made me want to throw my phone and duck for cover. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. Now I regret once again dragging Chris into my own personal problems.

2:08 p.m. -Chris: I'm swinging by. You're coming with me and we're going to grab lunch. Understand?

2:08 p.m. -Me: Okay.


"You ready to start talking?" He asked keeping his full attention on me. His brown eyes digging deep through mine.

"Where do I even begin?" I asked more to myself. The flakey, warm, buttery croissant resting in my hand, looked very appetizing but whenever I brought it to my mouth, I would lose interest in it.

"Start with the obvious. Are you pregnant for sure?"

"I'm leaning towards yes but there's still a chance I might not be." I hope for the safety of the baby, I turn out not pregnant. As horrible as that sounds, I'm being honest. I don't want my baby to suffer because I'm stressed to the max.

"Who would be the-"

"You." I instantly knew his question, without a doubt in my mind. At least I knew who the father would be. That's a plus on my end.

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