5. Just For You.

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5. Just For You.


It's been a solid month since Anthony has opened up to me. For about a good 3 weeks he was the sweetest he's ever been throughout our entire relationship. Now he's recently started to quit smoking for good and he's become a completely different person from the lack of nicotine.

Thankfully he lost his gun so I don't feel all that threatened but the fear is still there. He knows I'm scared and that's what he feeds off of.

Why haven't I left?

It's a sick twisted mind set I have. I feel like I'll never be able to leave. He'll somehow find me and take me right back here just like every other time that I've left this place.

"I'm going to my step - brother's for a little bit. He needs my help with some family - related issues. I plan to spend the night." I said standing at his door.

"What about my lunch and dinner."

"There's plenty of stuff in the kitchen and left overs. I need to go. The sooner I leave the sooner I'll be back." As if. Every time I go to Chris' I always bring my stuff just to leave there. I've been gradually moving all my things and I'm happy to say I only have a little bit more to go.

"Make me something now before you leave." No.

"No. I have to go and you can't have your next meal for 2 more hours because of your medication. Bye Anthony." I closed his door and walked down the hall, out of the house.

I jogged a little ways down the street, then broke to a walk once I got far enough away.

I could see Chris' beautiful house in the near distance. Safety is the first word that comes to mind when I see his house. Love is what I associate with Chris.

"Hey beautiful." He said wrapping his around me the second he closed the door behind me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Feeling his soft lips on my neck was a reward all in itself. I never told Chris, Anthony was diagnosed with lung cancer. I feared he wouldn't associate with me anymore once I told him.

"Go put your things in your room and then come to my room." He instructed so kindly to me. I nodded my head and went up the stairs, to my room, setting my things down with the rest of my stuff. I set my phone on the night stand and left my sweatshirt on the bed, before walking over to Chris' room.

He laid all sprawled out, leaving me to stare at his bare chest in awe. His well defined abs and tattooed chest was such a sight to see.

"Come here and get a better look if you'd like." His soothingly lyrical voice echoing through my ears. I blushed just a little, but crawled right next to him. "I can tell you're enjoying your affair." He said rolling right on top of me.

"I am enjoying my affair." When I'm here, I enjoy it and never want it to end. When I go back to the house, I feel guilty as ever till Anthony does something to me.

"I'm probably enjoying it much more than you." He said running his hands along my body. His eyes nearly black but making his freckles appear more for some reason.

"You might think that but I'm the one who's more interested in the affair than my current relationship." He rolled my shirt up just a little bit and I could feel him, skin-skin.

"Just leave him." He lazily kissed me, pulling back in a taunting manor.

"Easier said than done." Sadly.

"You left him just now to be with me for the night, correct?" He dropped another kiss and I nodded, eager for another kiss. "Leave him again but for good. He won't ever find you or hurt you as long as you come right to me."

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