#1 Pills

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                 The sun barely peeking out over the horizon, starts creeping up, more, and more. I open my eyes widely, excited for school, especially meeting my friend again, suga, after a long winter break without seeing him. I jump up and down on my bed smiling.

                   After a minute of that weird nonsense, I got myself ready for school, wearing a red hoodie, glasses, blue jeans, and white converse. Soon, I quickly ran outside, sprinting to suga's house, almost as a fast as a cheetah. I was so full of energy and eager to go to school. I started slowing down, however, not fast enough, as I slam my head on suga's door probably leaving him alarmed. I fell, rubbing my head groaning in pain. Just then, Yoongi, also known as suga, opened his door looking concerned for me. Yoongi protects me, as if I am his little brother which I find quite adorable.

                   "HOSEOK!!" Yoongi screamed as grabbing my hand to pull me up.

                    "O-ow.." my eyes filled with tears a bit.

                     "I'm so happy to see you.." he gave his gummy smile towards me.

                      My teary eyes became dry, I blushed a bit and gave a small "heh.."

                      We walked together from there to school, into class. The teacher did not look too happy. I felt the guilt rising up my emotions.... 'ugh'...  I waved and smiled sweetly, not noticing that class already started. The other teens started looking at me weirdly, 'is it my glasses? My outfit that they are staring at?'. I then blushed embarrassed covering my face with my hoodie. Yoongi sat down rebellious, feet over table, chewing gum as usual. Yoongi always liked to be a "bad boy", he also keeps constantly forcing bad things on me like for example, vaping. I don't think he understands that I want to be my self... 'maybe he does not like who I am..'. I thought maybe I can say "yes" to the next time he wants me to do something. It's because I'll do anything to please Yoongi, I had a slight crush on him, already obvious.

                       "Why do you seem so happy, hoseok?" the math teacher said, as holding a ruler in her hand.

                        "I-I'm sorry.." I replied.

                         "May I ask why you were late?" she looked at me with an annoyed look.

                          "uhm.. well it's because... 'oh god hoseok, don't lie..' well it's because I was not feeling good" I said in return.

                           'my god hoseok what is wrong with you?'

                           "hm.. well okay then. Hope you feel better now."

                            After second period ended, me and yoongi walked outside for break. I notice Yoongi smirking and giving a weird devilish look, how he always looks when he wants to do something "funny" rather bad.  

                             I rolled my eyes in annoyance "what now Yoongi?"

                             He grabbed my hand and started running to the bathroom, I looked down at his other hand and saw a bottle of pills in his hand. I sweat nervously, in shock 'what happened to the old Yoongi I used to know in middle school?'. I started getting scared and creeped out. He ran into the stall holding my hand, as I try to escape his grip.

                              "YOONGI!!" I screamed crying

                               "Oh cmon Hoseok why are you so boring? All you enjoy is parties and dancing, when I either want to sleep, do this, or die. Now please for once.."

Police man; A Jungkook x hobi fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now