8~ Breaking and... Well, Mostly Breaking

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"Remind me why the sunglasses are necessary?" I looked up as Jimin had his hands shoved in his jeans pockets and dark shades covered his eyes.

"Do you listen to anything I say Human?" Jimin replied. "Demon eyes are very sensitive to light. I could go blind without these shades in an instant."

"Ah, you right," I muttered.

I myself was now dressed in an oversized dark long coat that in a temporary disguise. Since it was daytime, Jimin had said there would be very few demons up and about since most stores and workplaces were closed.

We were back to the outskirts of the city and had been walking for almost twenty minutes. In the daylight, the city was a more reddish color than the obsidian at night.

The sun of Itzborough was not the usual white, golden sun of earth but rather it was obvious it was much larger and a more purple-red, almost maroon, color.

I was beginning to consider being that annoying 4-year old in the backseat of the car asking if "we were there yet" every other second when Jimin paused in front of a well size tower.

"What is this place?" I scanned the tower, spying a few of the strange language I'd seen all over the place in scripted in the stone wall of the tower.

"The Museum of Itzborough. It's the official and only museum of the 8th region of Itzborough," Jimin replied, looking up at the structure before us.

8th region.

My memories very quickly flashback to Mr. Sour and Mr. Nasal talking about the 8th region and how "Bangtan Boys" (who I highly suspected were the 7 demons I was holed up with) may be rising to some sort of power.

"Is it open right now?" I inquired as Jimin approached until he was at the very base of the museum.


My eyes widened slightly as Jimin suddenly began to scale the wall like a lizard until he reached a fairly large windowsill.

"Then what the freak are we doing here?" I whisper yelled in panic.

"Isn't it obvious?" Jimin slid his sunglasses briefly down his nose enough to flash his sapphire eyes at me with a wicked grin. "This is a break-and-enter plan."

"Oh nuh-uh," I shook my head quickly. "I did not sign up for this. I thought you were the good guy of the group, Jimin! You said you were the only good guy out of the group."

"I said I was the only sane guy in my group," Jimin inspected his nails. "But that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a little goody-two-shoes. Now grab my hand and I'll pull you up."

"No!" I stamped my foot, looking left and right in slight panic, half expecting some watchman to appear and chase Jimin and I away. "We'll get in trouble."

"No one guards the museum, Human, relax okay?" Jimin exhaled. "The museum really is only for the newly spawned demons who need to learn about their history and Itzborough. And there are rarely ever any spawning of demons ever since the Mad King's War."

"The what king's war?"

Jimin shook his extended hand at me pointedly. "Take my hand, Human and let me enlighten you on our world."

"I thought this was a dimension," I replied flatly.

"Blessed angel feathers," Jimin hissed. "Y/N, just take my hand already. You're not going to get in trouble and I promise to look after you, alright?"

The way my name rolled off Jimin's tongue made my heart jump a little. In fact, I think this was the first time he'd actually said my name since we met.

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