Moving day

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This chapter will be a short one

Rachel's pov

Its officially Friday which means moving day!! Me and Finn decided to skip school today since it's a half day, we both get up and put everything that we packed last night in the moving truck we didn't need a huge one since we aren't bringing much furniture but we did decide to bring everything of Braydens since we didn't want it just to go to waste

"Is that everything?" My mom says to us

"I believe so let me go get Brayden and we will be on our way" finn says he then kisses my cheek

I pull the door down to close up the moving truck, we decided that my mom will drive the moving truck since my dad is now at work, I will drive with Brayden in my car and finn will take his truck all by his lonesome.

I see finn come out with Brayden in his car seat "there's my boys" I say to them, I grab Brayden from finn and put him in my car "are you sure I can't take the little man and you to our house I mean we can just pick up your car up later" finn says taking my hands using his handsome half smirk "nope not giving in, we need to do this how we planned Hudson I love you but no" I told him as I let go of his hands he looks at me and pouts then kisses Brayden head and kisses me, I see him get in his truck and drives off then my mom I shut the car door and go to my side, get in and buckle up then drive to the new place.

A moment later I have Brayden asleep in his new room, we haven't set up his crib yet or anything in our house yet so I quietly close the door and head straight to the moving truck to help finn and my mom unload

"Baby asleep?" Finn asked me as he gave me a box

"Baby is asleep soundly thankfully" I said walking in the house with a heavy box

"Hey there is a casualty at the office so I have to get going" my mom said to us whilst getting an Uber

"It's okay mom thank you for all of your help" I said hugging my mom

Once she left we had everything in our house finn went to drop off the truck I heard Brayden crying which meant he probably had a bad dream I quickly ran upstairs and saw my baby boy sitting up which is very early for his age "my sweet boy" I said picking him up I hold him closely to my chest and rocking him trying to shush him I look at the door way to see finn leaning against the door way

"Since we have no groceries I brought home some veggie grill and went to the grocery store and bought some stuff to purée for Brayden since his doctor said it's time for him to start eating kinda solid food" finn says to me

"Ur the sweetest person ever, come on let's eat" I said going downstairs, I put Brayden in his high chair and head into the kitchen to start purée the veggies but if he is still hungry after I will give him some breast milk

The veggies I puréed was steamed carrots and corn mixed those two together and cleaned out the blender to then put some strawberries and milk together

Now that everything is together I put the puréed food on his table i then sit down and enjoy my veggie grill,, me and Finn have started eating more healthy now that we live on our own

"I say after we are done here we put our son to bed and then go to our room and sleep then in the morning we start unpacking everything and put the furniture where we like it also we should go grocery shopping as well" finn tells me while spooning food into Braydens mouth

"I think that is an amazing plan babe" I said to him as I wiped Braydens face

"Can you believe our baby is going to be a year old soon.. I'm not ready" I said eating my food

"He will forever be our baby boy no matter what even when we are in our 90's and in a retirement home as he feeds us chocolate pudding with our other kids clean our room and keeping us well" finn laughs

Once we are done eating I take our very sleepy baby to his nicely furnished room since we got that finished yesterday before we officially moved in, i rock him to sleep and put him in his crib I take the baby monitor and walk towards our room yawning

I see my lovely boyfriend laying in bed on his phone, I set the baby monitor on a box near our bed since we haven't set any furniture up "hi baby" finn says as I got into bed I put my arm on his chest and my head on his shoulder to see him stalking Snapchat seeing everyone's school snaps and my story which was just us moving and Brayden being his adorable self I then noticed my name on his snap

I look up at him "why is my name baby mama" I asked him

"It's true and plus i can always change it" he tells me

"No it's cute plus I'm not gonna be that forcefully girlfriend" I told him

Finn then took a photo of us cuddling captioned as 'the love of my life' and then posted a video of me and Brayden being silly captioned it as 'my loves'  I looked at him and said "I love you finny" "I love you more" he said kissing my head I then flip over on my side with his arm tightly wrapped around my waist as we fell asleep

What a day we've had.

Give feedback!! I wanna hear your very honest opinion,, also subscribe to amazingphil and Daniel howell.. what was your favorite part let me know okay good night

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