The next morning had woke up early due to your excitement of going to E-Class. You were a bit stoked to see what was so important about this class that could have even the whole planet at stake, and that out of all people, you were chosen. You also couldn't wait to see Nagisa, and maybe even get his number. Now, that'd just make your day even more interesting. You were waiting by the front door, tapping your foot impatiently with your uniform already on, along with your backpack in hand. Your father finally came from downstairs, a surprised expression stuck on his face as his eyes met you.
"Wow. You're actually up early for school? Are you really my son?" He says jokingly as he grabs his keys of the kitchen counter.
"Hah-Hah, that's funny. It's your fault anyways for telling me all of that crazy stuff yesterday. It kept me up a couple of hours last night," you threw back at him, with a smug look on your face.
Your father chuckled as he waved you off, giving up on the little childish argument. He opened the door after putting on and tying his dress shoes and gesturing you with one hand as he walked off to the car, telling you it's time to go.

(Timeskip boisss)

When you both pulled up to the school your father pointed at the hill that sat a couple of miles away from the school.
You threw him a confused look, and he smirked at your reaction.
"Up there is where E-Class is. You'll be hiking up there everyday from now on to get there. Luckily since it technically your first day there, you won't be counted as tardy if you arrive late. Just follow the path and you'll make it in about thirty minutes or so."
You glared daggers at your Father. It wasn't just the fact that you had to walk that far just to get to a damned class. It was that you could tell that he was enjoying this.
With a groan, you grabbed your bag aggressively by the strap, stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind you. You could hear you father's muffled laughs from inside the vehicle before he drove off.
I swear, that man is childish as all hell.

You finally made it to the top of the hill

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You finally made it to the top of the hill. You had decided to jog for the first half of it so you could have some free-time before your class started. Really, it wasn't as terrible as it looked from down on school grounds, except for the snakes, and wobbly bridges. You spotted a bit of a rundown building in the distance as you made it to the top.
"I assume this is the place," you mumble under your breath.

There was a wooden sign that stood in the very front the held Japanese writing and an English translation above it that read 'Old Campus'

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There was a wooden sign that stood in the very front the held Japanese writing and an English translation above it that read 'Old Campus'.
You gaze shifted back to the building and your surroundings. It looked as if this place never really had maintenance, which had you questioning whether you had the right path or not. But being the person you were [Not a pussy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ] you decided to walk into the building anyways. The held a hallway the held many doors on both sides of the walls, and a wooden interior similar to the outsides' structure. You walked down the hallway slowly, the old wood creaking beneath your shoes as you proceeded to look for the class labeled
"3-E". After a quick moment of swerving you spotted it. You could hear chattering of multiple students inside, so you decided to check your phone to see if you were early. You were.
With a deep breath, the grabbed the handle of the sliding door with one hand and opened it. The class' noise instantly died down as everyone's attention in the room darted to you, but despite that, the first thing you noticed was the blue haired male you had been waiting to finally see for hours sitting at the far left of the classroom next to the windows. A female with green hair and a similar hairstyle to Nagisa's sat behind him. She gave you a warm smile, as well did Nagisa as he waved and called out your name.
He gestured you to come sit in the empty desk in front of him as everyone else in the classroom shrugged as if saying "We'll get to know him later, we have our own teenage problems to deal with" and went back to chattering with each other.
As you walked over to Nagisa, you held a smile on your face that you didn't even know was there. You were just glad to see him, along with the privilege to sit next to him also.
"Hey, Nagisa!" You say in a bit of a child-like tone and plop down into your seat, and turning around to face him, and once again getting lost in those oceanic eyes of his.
Nagisa leaned forward in his desk, causing the the distance between your faces to close in closer, which made you blush a tiny bit.
"What're you doing here? Did you get expelled already?" He asks in a curious, but nevertheless cute tone.
You laugh at his question as you shake your head.
"No no no. I'm not THAT reckless, y'know," you say as you rest your arms on his desk. Nagisa tilted his head slightly in confusion as he waited for you to continue.

"My Dad works for the government. Apparently they wanted me to be moved into E-Class for something important that's supposed to be occurring today, something about a new teacher or something. I can't exactly give you the juicy details n such, not yet at least." Nagisa nods, his little smile forming back onto his lips has he rested his chin in a palm and the other on his elbow, and gazed into your eyes.
"I understand," he says. "Top secret stuff, huh? I wouldn't want my new friend to get trouble for spreading this news," he says, using air quotes behind 'news'. You roll your eyes playfully and play along with his little game.
"Hah-Hah. Yeah, it'd be shame. That'd mean I wouldn't be able to get the chance to flirt with you," you reply, smirking at his mad-blushing reaction.
Honestly, that last part slipped out. You were surprised that Nagisa hadn't took it the wrong way, and most importantly that nobody else in the room heard your careless remark.
To somewhat change the subject you exaggeratively cleared your throat.
"Well anyways, I was wondering, Nagisa," you started, catching Nagisa's attention.
"Well... I was wondering if maybe I could have your phone number?"
"Oh~?" Nagisa responds, in a bit of a teasing tone which threw you entirely off guard.
You wave your hands frantically as you blush of embarrassment, "Nothing romantic or anything, I s-swear! Because, you know how we're friends n' all and... Uhm," You trail off into mumbling whispers as Nagisa pulls out a piece of notebook paper from the compartment below his desk. He began to write his digits on the lower half of the paper, occasionally throwing you what seemed to be seductive glances as he did so. He then drew a little heart after the last number before tearing the little strip of paper away that held his digits, and finally handing it to you. You sat there dumbfounded for a moment before quickly taking the paper into your hands, still surprised that he actually gave it you.
Nagisa's cheeks held a visible blush as looked to the side, avoiding eye-contact with you.

"D-Don't fell any of the others I gave that to you. Who knows how many questions I'll be overwhelmed with if they were to find out.
And... M-Make sure to call me when you get the chance, tonight maybe," He mumbles, gazing at you from the corner of his eye.
You just couldn't help but admire how cute he was when he did things like this.
You then nodded with a smirk.
"I promise to call you, later tonight. I can make time." You say, with a soft voice.
Nagisa threw you a small smile before twisting around in his desk to face his green-haired female friend behind him, who hadn't seemed to see any of that. You turned around also and held the little piece of paper that held Nagisa's digits in between your fingers in your pocket.
Words couldn't describe how happy you were right now. This was a step closer to what you could possibly be with Nagisa in the future, and you couldn't wait.

2085 words typed? Talk about production, right? Haha, I hope this chapter was a bit juicier for you Nagisa loving peeps out there. I really put some time into this one over skateboarding or just gaming 😆 and once again, don't be afraid to point out any mistakes you see made. I make them without even realizing and it really throws me off sometimes. Anyways, have a good one! Until the next update, my friends!

My Little Assassin ( Nagisa Shiota X Dominant Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя