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It's been a few months since you got rejected by the girls you've liked for so long and saw them get fucked by the people who bullied you, everything about you changed Your demeanor, your willingness to help other people, the way you acted but you were gaining something out of this getting stronger and training with Ansem and Xemnas

No one took notice of it at first but Team Rwby slowly noticed small changes, your grades were suffering even though you used to come late you were passing each class with ease, but after seeing what you saw nothing else really mattered to you.


Ruby was walking the halls of beacon but saw you and she needed to talk to you about whats been going on with you

Ruby: (Y/n)!!! Hey!!!

You slightly turned and looked at her she ran to you looking worried

Ruby: Are you okay, you've been skipping classes and you have been acting really really weird lately

(Y/n): Why does that matter to you, fuck off

Ruby stopped dead in her tracks after you said that she never thought you could be so cold

Ruby: (Y/n)? W-Whats wrong

You kept walking away from her not caring if you hurt her feelings or not as of the moment she meant nothing to you

-TimeSkip In Goodwitch class-

You were the way in the back of the stands and in the corner of your eye you seen team SSSN and RWBY cracking jokes about you but Ruby didn't say anything. Not that it should matter they're all beneath you as of what Ansem says

???: Psst hey!

You turned your head and seen someone in a black organization XIII coat and he seems to be taller than you

(Y/n): Uh Hi what're you doing here anyway?

???: Sent by the big man to watch over you

(Y/n): Take your hood off

???: No can do boss man, say aren't those the people that like hurt you or whatever.

(Y/n): Can they not see you?

???: Nope or Im just really good at hide n seek my names Is Acero and I'll catch you later Kiddo boom!

And he disappeared you were still a little confused on what the hell just happened.

You were brought out of your train of that by getting hit with a banana peel and looked over and seen Sun and the others laugh

(Y/n):I don't have time for this..

You got up and walked away from them

Sun: Aye (Y/n) were you off to in such a hurry huh

(Y/n): Off to plow your mother

Sun: What?!

Watching Sun get angry mad your day a lot better then a little rose, Ruby Ran up next to you and walked with you

(Y/n): *Sigh* What is it this time and what do you want?

Ruby: I want to know why your acting so cold and heartless I want to help you

(Y/n): You can't. I don't want your help your just like everyone else! Even though I thought you were different..your nothing but a liar just like the rest of your team

Ruby: What..(Y/n) what are you talking about I'm your best friend Ruby Rose Remember you can ta-

You summoned your Keyblade and held it close to her face scaring her

Rwby x Rejected & Abandoned Male Keyblade WielderWhere stories live. Discover now