Mikayla and Silena Visualize Relationships

Start from the beginning

"Like Kevin," Lee added.

"Ah," I turned to the young son of Hyperion. "You can do that?" He blushed.

"Yeah," he said sheepishly. "I can sing, too."

"Cool," I said.

"What songs did you all do?" Silena asked.

"I Need Your Love," Mikayla started listing off. "La La Latch, Lean On, Rather Be, and Hallelujah." I let out a low whistle.

"You've been busy," I commented. Mikayla smiled broadly.

"We have," she agreed. "I mean, you've barely seen any of us this week, anyways. You should've known I was up to something."

"To be fair, you're always up to something," Beckendorf said.

"I guess," she said. She stuck a hand on her hip and struck a pose. "But having a high voice is great compared to having a super deep voice. I can hit a whole new octave of notes! Oh, and those aren't all the songs we did! Killian can actually play the piano, too. Lee can play guitar, and we got Chris to play drums so we could do other songs that aren't acapella. The songs we did were It Ain't Me, Attention, Renegades, How Long, and New Rules."

"That's amazing!" Silena exclaimed. Mikayla nodded and started bouncing on her feet excitedly. Bianca smiled and kissed her girlfriend's cheek.

"I'm so glad you're so happy," Bianca giggled. "And I didn't even have to do anything." 

"You two are strangely active," Lee commented casually. I felt myself throw up in my mouth a little and noticed that Nico looked a little green. "I don't know if it's because of this change or what, but you two have been—"

"Shut up, Lee," I growled. "Or else I'm going to vomit all over you." He listened to me.

"I'm going to go find Summer," Killian said before slipping away.

"Cantar en grupo es muy divertido," Mikayla said quickly in Spanish. "Ha pasado tanto tiempo desde que he cantado con otros."

"We can't understand you, Mikayla," Beckendorf said. She gave a confused look before trying again.

"¿No es esto inglés? A mi me parece bien." She tried.

"Mikayla, darling, we can't speak Spanish," Bianca told her.

"¡Mierda! ¿Por qué no puedo hablar inglés?"

"Let your brain catch up with your mouth, Mikayla," Nico suggested.

"¿Qué tal si te muestro mi mente funciona? Te voy a dar un pedazo de mi mente." Mikayla probably threatened.

"No need to threaten him," I intervened. "Just slow down, sis. Breathe. Imagine something you like."

"¿Además de Bianca?"


She took a deep breath before exhaling. She did so again two more times before speaking.

"Did it work?" She asked tentatively.

"It did!" Bianca cheered. "What helped you relax?"

Mikayla smirked before saying, "Una imagen tuya, desnuda, en una cama frente a mí." Her tone was very suggestive so I didn't ask for a translation. Bianca seemingly got the gist of it and blushed. Mikayla grinned before leaning forward and whispering something in her girlfriend's ear. Bianca blushed deeper and I heard Nico gag.

When Mikayla pulled back Bianca was as red as a tomato. But she still leaned forward and whispered, "You're gonna be on top this time."

"Alright, enough," Silena interrupted. "You two are going to ruin your brothers. Just go and get it out of your system before dinner." Mikayla nodded before grabbing Bianca's hand and disappearing.

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