Name: Cancer Catalan Vivianne

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Gentle, fiercely protective, has high emotional intelligence (ei), sensitive, possessive, bottles up emotions 

Appearance: Beach wavy blue ombre hair, soft hazel eyes, dark skin, 4'9, 98 lbs, long eyelashes, flower shaped lips, earrings, petite figure

Other: Cancer is the youngest of the group. She's also Virgo's adopted younger sister and sticks close to him often


Name: Leo Valentina Leanne

Gender: Female (sides can vary in gender)

Age: 16

Personality: Confident, has a heart of gold, generous, insecure, explosive, secretly emotional

Appearance: Long wavy golden-auburn hair, soft hazel eyes, peach pale skin, 5'3, 110 lbs, make up/outfit changes with the personality, universally have a tattoo of a dove on their under the ribs, curvaceous figure

Other: Leo has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) or Multiple Personality Disorder, meaning she has different personalities in one mind. She has four known alters (personalities) not including herself, who is the host.


Name: Virgo Vivianne

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Personality: Bookish, sly, quick witted, overthinks things often, socially awkward, shy

Appearance: Straight platinum blonde hair, curious lilac eyes, snow white skin, 5'5, 140 lbs, is an albino, has glasses, lanky figure

Other: Virgo is Cancer's older stepbrother, as well as having social anxiety like she does and being almost as shy as her.


Name: Libra Saigon

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Amiable, polite, more of a listener than a talker, can be apathetic, lies occasionally, self sacrificing 

Appearance: Blonde hair with lilac and rose pink streaks, dawn colored (purple and pink ombre) eyes, milky skin, 5'3, 115 lbs, wears hair clips often, feminine figure

Other: Libra has Panic Disorder, which means she is prone to having panic attacks when under intense pressure or in crowds.


Name: Scorpio Sakura

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Personality: Passionate, mysterious, has a soft side, suspicious, secretive, dark 

Appearance: Brown hair with blonde highlights, silver eyes, caramel colored skin, 5'2, 140 lbs, tattoo of thorns around her neck, has a red birthmark around her eye, curvy figure

Other: The only ones who really know anything about Scorpio and her backstory are Capricorn and Pisces, who she grew up with. They are essentially sworn to secrecy about it.


Name: Sagittarius Alexander

Gender: Gender fluent (born male)

Age: 17

Personality: Energetic, honest, open, overbearing, anxious, worries what others think 

Appearance: Rainbow hair, amber eyes with blue flecks, peach skin with a lot of freckles, 5'7, 150 lbs, small circular earrings, graceful figure

Other: Sagittarius comes from one of the most open families out of all the Zodiacs. Their mom and dad are both more or less hetero-homoflexible, and their sister is lesbian. Sag's family are mostly atheist, though it's not uncommon to see one of them carrying around good luck charms here and there. Also, Sagittarius will be referred to as either he/she/they depending on whichever gender they want to be.


Name: Capricorn Gamora

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Personality: Studious, loyal to a fault, secretly has a wild side, pessimistic, judgemental, territorial 

Appearance: Black hair with hidden scarlet streaks, hazel eyes that shift colors, mahogany (reddish brown) skin, 4'10, 120 lbs, tattoo of a rose below her chest, dancer-like figure

Other: As the eldest of the signs, Capricorn is the most responsible and most parental of the group, taking care of them and making sure they don't do anything too stupid. Of course, she isn't the stiffest of the signs and will occasionally join the other's antics for the heck of it. Cap is also one of the two signs who know the most about Scorpio's childhood.


Name: Aquarius Winston

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: Original, witty, can be quiet at times, often tired, sharp tongued, aloof

Appearance: Blonde hair, black eyes, ivory skin, 5'6, 140 lbs, silver tattoo of icicles on his shoulder, metal heart implant in his left eye, athletic figure

Other: While some might think Aqua would be the oddball of the group... you would be right, but he is still lovable and charming. Aquarius is the comedian of the group, coming in with well placed jokes or quips to lighten the mood when tensions are high, but he is still able to be serious when he needs to be. Mostly.


Name: Pisces Flitch

Gender: Gender fluent (born without a gender)

Age: 17

Personality: Dreamy, creative, imaginative, ideological, can be dependent, can be oblivious

Appearance: Pink hair, cream eyes with silver shards, ebony skin, 5'1, 145 lbs, always wears a jade brooch hanging from a necklace or pinned onto a scarf, childish figure

Other: Pisces is the heart and soul of the group, the emotional center. They are always there to help the others when needed, and are more trustworthy than one might think. They are good friends with all the members of the group, and is the one who keeps the group together when fights erupt. Like Capricorn, Pisces is the other Zodiac who knows about Scorpio's past.

After a few chapters of ToD (maybe like 5-10, it depends), I'll have an interview of the Zodiacs. The readers, aka you guys, will be able to ask them any question they'd like (without having to ask a truth). You can leave some of those questions here if you'd like.

Of course this can't be a truth or dare book without truths and dares, so get to it!

I know a lot of you miss the old cast, but they needed to be redone.

Also, in this version of the book you guys will be able to direct the ships. If you want to ship certain characters, you can always leave dares or truths that can help you make the ship cannon.

Have fun with the truths and dares, just follow the rules above please, keep it PG for anyone who doesn't want to see NSFW. Thank you.

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