the change

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hey everyone. its been four days since I last updated. I will update tonight because I we dont have any classes tomorrow and im planning on finishing this story as soon as possible cause im working on my new story already and I got really excited in publishing it on wattpad.

keysha's POV

its been 3 months since our that time I saw Harry watching us with that expression in his  face. I am still confuse on why he got that face. its been a long journey with our relationship with Luke and some situations change and those situations are kindly confusing. I hate the way I doubted our relationship with Luke. Sometimes he does not shows up in our date and that he will just leave me keep on waiting for him. he wont let me borrow his phone and that he always use "I need privacy" as an excuse. it hurts I know. and harry, I can see him loking at me constantly alreadg but we havent talk yet. its kind of awkward on talking to someone especially when that someone is a boy and you got a boyfriend. Whe  you do that, you will receive lots and lots of rumor. I also heard a rumor that Luke is cheating on me but I dont believe them because I know Luke would never do that to me. I hope so.

Today would be our 3rd monthsary and we already planned to watch a movie in the cinema and enjoy the day together but he said that he cant make it because he was busy. I dont know what he did but he just turn off the call after he told me that he cant make it. it disappoint me a lot. I just go home and go straight to my room then change my clothes into pajamas and go to my bed falling face first then its the time where I express my anger and sadness because I really cried. I end up not eating dinner and keeps on crying without sleeping. I swear tomorrow I'll look like a zombie. I think I slept at around 4 in the morning and wakes up at 7. I only slept 3 hours and I dont even bother to go to the kitchen and it my breakfast. all I did was freshen up and go to school.

During p.e time, we are going to play volleyball. im the setter so I need to be aware of the ball all the time. while we are I  the middle of the game. I can see black dots already but I dont even bother to stop because im so caught up with the game when suddenly I collapsed and I can feel my body becoming weightless and I saw harry running towards me to save me while Luke just talk with his friends and that's the last thing I remembered.

I woke up with a headache and in a moody state. it really made me angry on how Luke does not react to what is happening to me. Seriously, what is happening to him.?

so hi guys. hope you like it. I know its class day. but I just need to update  becAuse I'll be gone for maybe  a long period of time but not so long. only 5-6 days because I will be having a review and lots of study sessions because we got our 2nd mid test coming. prepare for the apocalypse. . haha joke

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