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keyshia's POV

while i was walking out and plan to cut classes i just want to scream at the top of my lungs while crying...its just that i hate being called like that..when i was about to reach the door one of my classmates in my english class hold my wrist to stop me from walking but i tried to shove his hands away because for me he is a complete stranger. but then i think im just being rude to him so i try to go back to where he was standing...i try to control my temper to avoid being rude.

"im sorry about that i was just not in the mood , you know ?" i said straight to the point without even greeting him ..

"its okay i just want to help you becauea you seem like a nice girl and you are that sad.. maybe you dont deserve it ??" he repied and then he added quickly " by the way my name is jan and i believe we have the same english class"  

i just nod he continues." and i also bet you have a problem , right ?"

"unfortunately , yes " was my reply

"when you have problems you should express it using your hobby like for example your hobby is dancing and when your upset you can help your own self feeling well  by dancing."

i just nod again and said " bye ..thank you by the way and my name is keyshia."

while i was waiting a cab i try to think over of what jan said to me and now i know what will i do to forget about them all and at the same time expressing my anger  or feelings..

and i will make this more interesting.

hope you find the story interesting !

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