(Quartet) - Prochorus

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Suddenly Gigantic Circles and Squares started forming, swishing around like koi fish. More and more appeared, and before long the entire level was chaotic, with Quin screaming like a little girl as he tried to dodge a particularly big one.

We are more Loud

Suddenly, they started disintegrating into pink mist, and when they looked to the sides, they saw gigantic cannons. One had a Square barrel, one had a Circle.

We are more Loud

Lumina couldn't dodge a Circular cannonball in time, and ended up being slammed in the face by an oversized apple, causing a leg to lop off. The same thing happened to Quin.

The whole entire void was in chaos, as the four siblings scrambled after one another, dodging the gargantuan cannonballs. Tetra died multiple times.

Until finally, the war ended. The battle between Circles and Squares finally had a ceasefire, and all limbs lost in the process were given back. And when they were ejected from the void, they looked around for Prochorus. He was patiently waiting for them, in the same place he was found, and the moment he saw them his face lit up.

"Where did you guys go?"

'Into... well, we don't know either.'

"So whatcha guys do?"

The four looked at each other simultaneously, saw the triangle forming, and all looked at each other with shit-eating grins in a sudden unity of thought.
They all twirled around, did a little dance in alarming synchronisation, (while Tetra stayed still because they were shit at dancing) and all pointed finger guns at the top of the ledge

"RELEASE" They all screamed in unison.

At first, nothing happened, but then a bit of the chasm broke off, letting the platform fall into the lava.

As they expected, Prochorus went crazy
'THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!' He screamed, hands clapping as a wide smile took over his face.

They posed, before leaping onto the double-decker platform preparing to make their way to Prochorus as soon as possible, when a sudden tremor shook the five of them to their cores. The lava below them started bubbling, and they heard a scream.

Bits of rock sank into the lava as the edge where Prochorus was trapped broke off, cracking as the boy tried to free his foot before it was too late.

But to no avail.

'PROCHORUS!' Quin barely managed to scream before an ear piercing shriek of despair and terror echoed through the cavern, jerking the hearts of the innocent Teenagers.

A loud splash added an extra, totally uncalled for layer of agony to his voice, of pain and the feeling of lava searing his flesh.

And then silence as the body sank deep into the depths of the pink blood.

Tetra collapsed to his knees as a eerie silence swept through the four, making their hearts fall to their feet and hearts heavy.

They just witnessed someone die.

They just witnessed someone's life get scorched out of them, someone's short, short life burn away in lava.

"He... He's dead... Isn't he...?" Quin finally stuttered after ages of silence. Lumina collapsed to the floor while Pi just hugged Quin.

'No way he could've survived that... Right...?' Lumina hyperventilated.

Quin hugged Pi back.

The whole entire room was filled in silence as they all mourned the loss of a flower plucked too soon. They barely knew him, but seeing that life be cut short in such a painful way punched them in the faces.

"He was... only fourteen..." Tetra muttered.

'Too young to die... Too innocent...' Pi sobbed. She buried her face in Quin's shoulder, while he pet her shoulder. The two of them sat on the opposite ledge, facing away from the horrific scene that was Prochorus's death. Tetra just buried their face into the ground, not wanting anyone to see their face.

The last time Tetra witnessed someone's life being sucked out of their body was when they found Trist's limp body hanging from the ceiling wearing a necklace of Rope.

And they would rather die than relive those moments.

A tremor shook through their hearts.

"Um guys?" Lumina broke the silence.


"Good news and bad news..."

'What's the good news?'

"Good news is, Um... Prochorus's still alive...?"

'Wait, what?'

As soon as she said those words, the three of them whipped around, scanning the lava's surface.

'And the bad news?'

"Bad news... um..."

All of them fixated on a single object, breaking the surface of the lava.

It was a head. Part of it, actually, with messy pink hair and light pink skin. Its eyes were black, gaping holes of nothingness.

"I think he's Corrupted."


The head retracted back into the lava, and another tremor shook them to their very bones.

All of a sudden, they felt a sudden jolt, and they all collapsed to their knees at the sudden movement, ground punching them in the shins. The wind in their hair and G force woke them up fully, bringing them to full attention. With each other's support, they stood up, wondering what the hell was going on.

Until they realised they were flying.

Quin's knees trembled as he clutched the side of a large rock. Oh hey, a Mushroom.

But Lumina, upon looking down, saw that the Lava's level was rising. At a very, very alarming rate.

And in that lava, swam a familiar looking, young face that belonged to the boy they attempted to save.

Only with a hateful, animalistic scowl replacing his bright, cheery smile. 

||FINISHED|| Pink Roses (JSAB Fresh x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن