Chapter 3

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"Last time  I checked expecting mothers don't drink coffee it contains caffeine and its not good for the baby"Jungkook said sternly
"Well , old habits die hard.I had forgotten about it.Well   if I didn't know better I would think that you are scolding me."I didn't mean to be harsh you know I'm just looking out for your baby."Jungkook said."Well thanks I will make a note not to drink it again, alright?"Taehyung said with a pout.
Jungkook only smiled.
"Well I should probably go back to the hospital "Taehyung said while getting up .
"See you around "Jungkook said

Taehyung went back to the hospital only to find Jennie his groupmate waiting for him.
Jennie:Ya Kim Taehyung.
Jennie:How do you know our CEO.
Taehyung:Uha.What do you mean ?
Jennie:Duh don't you know our CEO the one you were hanging out with all day.
Taehyung:What!!??That guy is the CEO?What the hell ? I had always thought that this hospital was state owned.I'm screwed ,  He probably thinks that I'm weird.God just kill.
Jennie:Well ?
Taehyung:We met outside the hospital last week.
Jennie:Well good for you.
With that she went away.Taehyung made a mental note to avoid the male at all costs.The rest of the day well he managed to avoid the CEO.It seems that Taehyung had forgotten that the other male had his number.When he got home , his phone was fladed with spam messages from the almighty Jungkook and some from Jimin and some from his brother Namjoon.He couldn't open the messages since he was very tired.Taehyung would always forget that he had another person growing inside of him.Everytime he would think about it his heart would even hurt more.He had to make a decision and that thought gave him a heachache.He just tossed  his phone and went to take a shower.When he came back there were 3 missed calls from Jungkook .He just ignored it and went to bed.

The following day he managed to avoid Jungkook until lunch when he came and sat on his table.
Jungkook:You have been avoiding me .Did I do something wrong.
Taehyung:How about you not telling me anything about yourself while I told you everything about me?
Jungkook:I'm really sorry .I didn't really get time to talk about myself.
Taehyung:What about now?.I have time.
Jungkook:Well as you heard I'm the CEO of this hospital.Well my family expects a lot from me.I come from a very rich family but  nothing is what it seems.Everyone is hungry for power.
Taehyung:Must be tough hey.
Jungkook:Well that's not the best part.My grandma wants me to get married before this ends.
Taehyung:What if you don't ?
Jungkook:She would choose a life partner for me.
Taehyung:What a life man.
Jungkook:So I have been thinking.
Taehyung:About what?
Jungkook:If you have a stable life and a family and income would you consider keeping the baby.
Taehyung:Well , I would but that's just impossible , my child will always be a result of rape and he would never have a father.Do you think that I'm a horrible person for thinking like that.You might even think that I'm selfish but it's also hard for me.
Jungkook:Marry me Taehyung , I will make everything better.I will do anything to save that innocent child.I will be his father.Anyways it's like killing 2 birds with one stone  because my grandma wants me to settle down.
Taehyung was at lose for words.
Taehyung:But we have only just met .We don't even know each other that well.
Jungkook:Taehyung , don't worry it will only be a formality.
Taehyung:What will people say about the pregnancy.
Jungkook:I will just say that it's mine.
Taehyung:Do you really think that it will be easy.?
Jungkook:Trust me Tae we will make this work.You can take your time to think about this .And please don't do anything  stupid regarding the pregnancy.Okay?
Taehyung just nodded with tears in his eyes.The rest of the month ended with Jungkook sending Taehyung flowers and notes every morning.Taehyung started to feel  hopefully about the fake marriage.At this point Taehyung's pregnancy had been giving him problems.He felt like the baby was telling  him to agree to the proposal.Jungkook would always make sure that Taehyung only had positive thoughts.The whole hospital thought that they were dating for real.They would go for lunch and dinner together.Jungkook also wanted to go for early baby shopping.Taehyung always thought that Jungkook was an angel sent for him from above.The rumors of their fake dating had reached Jungkook's parents and his grandma.They would always appear on gossip magazines.One day Ms Lim invited the boys to her house.She had liked Taehyung at first glance and did not even waste time and told them to choose the earliest possible date for their wedding.Taehyung definitely knew that his parents wouldn't stand for it but he had to think about his child's future.Taehyung'  brother Namjoon had come back from  the states.He was more than happy that his younger brother was finally getting married.Taehyung hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy besides Jin and Jungkook.He didn't
even want to think about how they would react.On the other hand Yoongie had finally asked Jimin to be his boyfriend.Jimin always felt guilty about what happened to Taehyung.If he had only be there , everything would have been fine.Jimin was going to find whoever was responsible and make him pay.The wedding preparations were going on.They had decided to get married before Taehyung started showing  to avoid unnecessary drama.Taehyung didn't know what to do since he was in his second month of intenship.It was 6 months long.By that time he would be 7 months pregnant and already showing and it wouldn't be healthy for the baby to work at that stage.Percks of being the future husband of the CEO his internship was treamed down to  four months.He was more than grateful for everything he had received from Jungkook.He would never   be able to repay him for life.The happiness he had given him was just priceless.They had their wedding reception when Taehyung was 3 months along.As expected Taehyung's parents did not show up.Teahyung was disappointed but not surprised .

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