Chapter 1

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Taehyung groaned trying to wake up.He couldn't quite make out where he was , his vision was blurred .He was able to see that the walls of the room was white.
"Am I in heaven ?"he thought.When he finally lifted  his head he was met with a terrible headache.He put a had on his head while seating in his bed.Once again he was welcomed with an unwanted pain in his lower body.He was not able to sit.He hissed and layed again in his bed.Just then someone opened the door and went up to Taehyung and hugged him looking all happy and then said "I'm glad you are finally awake you had been out for 48hours"Who is this guy you ask.Well he is Taehyung's best friend Park Jimin.

Taehyung was just frozen in his bed and couldn't say anything until the doctor entered the room.Yes , he was in the hospital .
Doctor:Hie  I'm doctor Kim Seokjin but just call me Jin.Well Taehyung your results came out negative you don't have any sort of STI,  you are clean.There was no major damage done .I will prescribe you some painkillers and you will be as good as new.You have nothing to worry about.So now I'm leaving , I probably know that you are confused but Jimin here will tell you what happened.Just don't worry too much.Everything will be okay.So bye.
When Jin left Taehyung gave Jimin a confused look and Jimin just signed.
Jimin:Tae I really need you to take a deep breath and listen to what I'm about to say.
Taehyung:You are scaring me ,Chim
Jimin :Remember when you wanted to celebrate your graduation from Medical school.?
Taehyung nodded
Jimin:Well I took you to a club.

Jimin and Taehyung got into the club and went straight to the bar section.They gave their orders to the barman.They both got juice for themselves.They sat down for a while until a Jimin spotted the guy he has been having a fling with Min Yoongie.Jimin quickly rushed to the guy and making Taehyung roll his eyes.After a few minutes a handsome  and tall guy came and sat beside Taehyung .They made a small conversation until Taehyung excused himself to the bathroom.Taehyung came back and gulped down his juice and started looking for his friend.He suddenly felt drowsy and  dizzy and before he knew it , he was carried by someone.After  about 30 minutes ,Jimin came back looking for Taehyung but he was no way to be seen.He searched  for him in the bathroom but he wasn't there.He then went to the rooms but there was nothing.He was about to give up but then he saw a man rush out of the rooms.Jimin quickly went to check the room.He scene that he saw was horror to his eyes.There was Taehyung bearly breathing with a mixture of blood and semem coming out of his hole.Jimin covered his mouth with his hand in shock.Before he knew it he was already sobbing."What to do Tae?".He managed to dress up his friend and took him to the hospital.Taehyung was unconscious since then.The doctor said he had a date rap drug in his bloodstream.Jimin was shuttered.

The next morning :Somewhere else
Jungkook was in his car being driven to work by his driver.He was definitely recovering from a major hangover.
"Sir the video" the driver said while handing him a tablet.
Jungkook groaned in frustration while massaging his temples.He couldn't continue watching the video and paused it and then said"I want that footage gone.Delete all the cctv footages from that night.I don't care what you have to do threaten them or pay them, I don't care".
The driver nodded in agreement."And also I want you to gather information about that guy,I have a lot to apologise to him for"Jungkook continued.

       End of flashback.

Taehyung couldn't believe what Jimin had told him.Someone had drugged him and taken advantage of him.How the hell he wasn't even gay.He couldn't stop his tears from flowing.How was he going to face society now.?How would his parents react to this.He was determined to keep this a secret eventhough it hurt him a lot.Taehyung was a very optimistic person.He knew that he couldn't change what had happened.He wasn't going to let this dark memory spoil his coming future.He was going to apply for intenship as a doctor.He put on a forced smile and said "Chim , take me home I have a lot to do"
Jimin looked at him in confusion .How could someone be this strong or was he just putting on an act.Jimin took the boy home, they didn't say anything to his parents and they didn't even ask where he was a big boy.He was 24 for crying out loud.Taehyung was just going to pretend whatever had happened to him was all a bad dream and then move on.

Somewhere else
"Did you do what I asked"He asked as his eyes were fixed on his laptop.
The man nodded and then left .

Don't get him wrong ,Jungkook is not a bad guy,he just has alot on his plate.He has to hear constant nagging from his parents telling him not to lose his place to his cousin ,Jeon Wonwo.They always compare him to his cousin.There is his uncle always watching his every  move to find things he can use against him.There is also his grandma who is always pestering him to settle down.Jungkook runs their family hospital.He is the major shareholder with 50% of the shares.His grandma promised him that if he settles down , she would give him the remaining shares.But there is a catch he would also give his partner a certain share.Jungkook would go out with his friends once in a while to clear his mind.Jungkook was really good at what he does but the pressure was getting the better of him.His grandma hadn't started setting him on blind dates but he knew it was only a matter of time.He knew he had to do something and that too, quick.

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