Chapter 2: The Banquet

Start from the beginning

We reach the pack house in no time and I let out a strangled breath. I hated being in crowded places, it made me feel uncomfortable. My mother straightened out my dress as soon as I got out of the car. 

Many other pack members were walking past us. Apparently we weren't the only ones late. 

Much to my dismay, Mother dragged me all the way to the grand french doors, diminishing all chances of running away for the second time. 

"Smile, make sure you look pleasant." Mother says into our family mind link before we walk in. I stay silent afraid to respond.

When we walked in I'm hit with a intoxicating smell, the smell of a fresh forest and something else that I couldn't put my finger.

Huh. My wolf comments.

She's right. This is weird.

Whatever it was, I forgot about it within moments, and paid more attention to my surroundings.

The pack house was beautiful, not like it wasn't before, but now it was decorated with beautiful colors and lights.

The normal white walls were now covered in colorful strings. Confetti was spread across the floor, honestly it was kind of excessive. Maybe the Alpha wanted to show off to Alpha Grayson.

"Come this way." Dad says as he leads us down a hallway where there were signs saying go to the dinning room.

The Omegas were quietly cleaning around the already perfect hallway. Some of the younger kids, I recognized from school. Of course they were like me, people who kept to themselves with few friends, if any.

The walls had painted pictures of past Alpha's, all the leaders who have lead this pack. Of course Alpha James was up there and so was his first born son, Mason, the typical, stereotypical rich kid and he was obviously a bad boy.

On the other side of the wall were all the Lunas. They all look like royalty, all dressed up in their finest silks and clothes. The current Luna Sophia was the last one at the end, Mason had yet to find his mate.

I started to trail behind my parents as I stopped to stare at the pictures. Of course, Mother wouldn't have it because she shooed me up to where she was walking

When I came to walk by my family I noticed other people in the hall.

A girl next to me with her family glared at me the whole way down, like she was somehow better than me, clearly she was.

She was beautiful, with hazel eyes and light brown hair, I envied her. I always hated my blond hair. It was like people thought that I was stupid and didn't understand the situation, which if they knew me would know that it wasn't true.

She was about six foot, which was surprising because I was always the tallest girl.

She would give me sideways glances every once and awhile, but when she caught me staring back at her, she would just whip her head around and thrust her chin up in the air.

This is why I don't go out, you meet people like this.

Looking up I realize that it was time to face the whole pack.

We reach the doors at the end of the hall and the family before us enters first, which I'm glad of, it gives me time to think and calm my nerves.

As soon as the doors are opened for us by some Omegas, I get another face full of the intoxicating scent that never seems to go away.

I've heard the stories, I've heard what it's like to find your mate. The smell, the beauty of your soulmate.

As we enter the dining room I see that name tags are in front of every chair, but we don't even get to choose who to sit next to. The chandelier above is decorated with the same strings as the one in the lobby.

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