A Sneaky Morning to Train Rude Human Hiccup to Talk to Dragons, Literally

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Sneak Peak
   The full moon floated in the sky above the Berk cove illuminating two figures; a confused looking female Viking with a double bladed axe and a sad and lonely looking Nightfury.

   Kill me Astrid. Please. Said the Nightfury. "Why Hiccup, why?" asked Astrid fighting tears. It will end my suffering, and I would rather have the one whom I have always loved kill me than a mob of angry Vikings encouraged by a crazy old man kill me. Said Hiccup shedding tears down his scaly face. "I can't kill you." confessed Astrid. Why not? Asked Hiccup. "I have always admired you and I recently fell in love with you," admitted Astrid tears now flowing freely. "Please don't make me kill you."

Hiccup was lying peacefully in bed asleep when there came an awful Smash, Smash, Smash, Smash from the roof. He tried to sleep but it didn't work for the awful Smash came again. When Toothless wants to go flying in the morning there is no avoiding it. Thought Hiccup. Grabbing the flying gear from next to his bed he walked out the door into the fresh air.

"Good morning bossy,"said Hiccup "I'm surprised you didn't wake up my Dad." Toothless jumped down from the roof and ran over to where Hiccup was standing. "Ok, let's get this gear on you." He said. It was done in 15 minutes due to the fact that someone was way to excited (Toothless).

"Let's go bud!" Shouted Hiccup as they did all kinds of air tricks. After a while they saw Astrid and Stormfly coming towards them. "Hiccup, your dad wants to see you, it sounded important ." She said. "I'll be right there." Hiccup responded and they flew to the Great Hall where Stoick was standing with Gobber.

Train the Dragons
   "Hiccup, I know that Berk is so much better now that there is peace with dragons and a dragon training arena. However..." Stoick was saying. "However what?" Asked Hiccup. "Mildew." Stoick responded. "He's been complaining about the wild dragons in the Berk woods and saying that they're going to kill us all." Gobber said. "And we need you to go and train them." said Stoick. "Ok, I will gather the riders and go and train them." said Hiccup. "Be safe son." encouraged Stoick.

"Ok gang you know the drill, go to the wild dragons and tame them in your quadrant, and if they try to kill you get away as fast as possible. This may be a two day mission. So gather supplies." Hiccup lectured.

A few minutes later they each split off into their groups. Hiccup and Toothless went to their area and started training any dragons they saw. After a few hours Hiccup decided to call it a night and Toothless agreed. They want to sleep.

Around midnight a visitor came to the camp with a staff. He pointed it at Hiccup and said in a old rotten voice; "Si rechan vi tija shafaer wux ekess qe vi munthrek ini kear vur vi darastrix di wer wiivai ini thurkear." After that he walked away knowing that the boy would wake shortly as a Night Fury.

A Rude Awakening
Hiccup woke up a hour later with a huge ache across his tail and wings and everything else. Wait...tail and wings!!! Hiccup then did the Night Fury equivalent of his very manly scream which woke up Toothless. He then screamed at Hiccup and Hiccup screamed back and so on.

After ten minutes they decided to talk. "Who are you?" Asked Toothless. "You can talk?" Asked Hiccup.
"Of course I can. What's wrong with you?"
"A lot of things."
"Like what?"
"For one, I am a Night Fury for some strange reason."
"I lost my human."
"I'm right here, I'm just a Night Fury for some reason."
"That is very funny, scrawny humans don't turn into regular looking Night Furies."
"I can prove to you that I am Hiccup."
"How can you be a hiccup?"
"*groan*" I am your human. I was somehow turned into a dragon and if you don't believe me then to bad, I'm going back to bed."

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