I love you too

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Edited- March 6, 2019
Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was really busy my updating schedule will be Monday Wednesday Sunday
I couldn't believe it Bianca moved on so quickly how what. Katya looked at me confused I just shrugged
K- she downgraded so hard
She whispered
I just laughed then we made eye contact
Ad- so true
I said in between my laughter only she could hear
K- oh my god we are horrible
I nodded then Courtney walked in I looked at her confused she didn't have a show
C- umm hey
Ad- Courtney I've missed you
I hugged her and she hugged back immediately
C- I've missed you to I thought you and Roy were dating
I looked down
Ad- I'll explain later
C - okay
C&K- I almost forgot happy birthday
I bursted into laughter
Ad- thanks and what are you doing here?
C- oh they needed another person I was in town and said I would!
Everyone looked at me but Courtney katya and I bursted out laughing
Then Bianca's boy walked up to us
???- hey I'm Adam
Ad- hi I'm adore aka Danny
Ada- oh your Bianca's ex
Ad- yeah
Ada- when did y'all break up and why
Ad- last night because apparently she has a representation to uphold
Ada- Really she said that?
He said a little but sarcastically
Ad- yeah
I say annoyed
He looked me up and down
Ada- I can tell why now and why did she choose you to date damn you ain't cute she did deserve better
K- stop.
Katya was mad it was about to get bad
Ada- sorry but you friend is ugly and stupid
I was laughing so was Courtney
B- sorry but is there a problem
Ada- they are yelling at me after I called your ex pretty
K- you never said that
I looked at Bianca in the eyes then I almost started to cry my eyes were watering a lot
B- adore what happened
She said kinda whispered I explained everything Adam was just looking at the floor
B- Adam you need to leave we are over
Later at adores performance
I walked on stage with a loud crowd and instantly felt so much better I smiled and waved
Ad- as you all know today is my birthday
The crowd cheered I giggled
Ad- nobody said happy birthday except for Courtney and katya haha
The crowd yelled happy birthday
Ad- aww thanks
B- happy birthday!
I turned around
B- guys last night I made a stupid decision and choose my reputation over adore and I love her so much I don't know why I did that it was so so so stupid Adore Delano Danny Noriega I love you so much will you please take me back I love you sooo much I don't know what I would do without you
Ad- yes yes a million times yes I love you soo much too
We kissed while the audience cheered I smiled
Ad- alright guys time to get back to business
I say in a joking but also serious voice
Bianca laughed and walked off stage
I sang hello I love you , better than the movies, I adore you , and more
Ad- thank you so much it's been so much fun
I ran off stage
B- good job baby
Ad- thanks love
K&C- aww you guys are so cute
K&C- we need to stop talking at the same time
Bianca and I just laughed
K- that was
K&C- really weird
Ad- haha
B- I love you adore and happy birthday
She kissed me again I of course kissed back
Ad- I love you to
I whispered
K- my moms calling
Ad- answer it dummy
K- hi mom. oh you wanna talk to adore. just get her number! No. mom I'll text it to you. Alright. Love you too mom. Night
Ad- wait tell her I said hi
K- mom she said hi. No need to yell! I'll tell her you said hi gosh. Bye
We all laughed

Sucker for love- a biadore fan ficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant