chapter 30: what the hell

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Lauren's P.O.V

As i put my phone in my pocket i looked up and ethan was playing some silly game on his phone. It was addictive looking at him playing it so i guess for the last 10 minutes i was watching him playing the game ethan then put his phone in his pocket and held my hand and we were just waiting when we then saw jake and mirry coming. "hey guys!" i yelled While running up to them giving them a hug. Ethan stood up and walked slowly to us saying hi to mirry and sort of avoing jake not giving any eye contact or not talking to him. "ethan, remember he is like a brother to me. Just pretend we're in a brother sister relationship, coz that's the type of relationship we have." i whispered in his ear then smiling kissing his nose. "yep sure" he smiled while squeezing my hand. We all walked in the shopping centre and went upstairs to the movie area. We just lined up for the tickets because we didn't need any food bc mirranda and jake got all the food already. We then got our tickets and went to the room where our movie was. We all agreed to watch "22 jump street". I didn't actually want to watch it but eh. "hey lauren do u want to sit with me?" ethan asked with the puppy dog eyes. "ha ethan no need for the puppy dog eyes of course we can sit with eachother! " i laughed while taking a seat next to ethan. I was in between ethan and mirry and jake was next to ethan and they were actually TALKING to eachother which made me happy. I was just talking to mirry about random things till the movie started. We ate popcorn and lollies during the movie. I did not like this movie. Oh well... Me and ethan were holding hands the whole time giving eachother a kiss every noun and then. We were just silently watching the movie when mirry said she needed to go to the bathroom. We smiled and nodded while she went off. I leaned my head onto Ethan's shoulder then drifting off to my little world (a dream lel). I woke up with Ethan's voice calling my name for me to wake up. "lauren,  lauren wake up!" "oh, sorry." i managed to say sort of still half asleep. "lauren,  mirranda hasn't came back from the bathroom yet? The movies finished and she isn't back." he said worriedly. "i shouted outside the girls bathroom  calling her name but there was no answer, where would she be?" jake asked concerned aswel. "maybe she went shopping or something because she didn't like the movie." i said sounding fine when in the inside i felt worried aswel. " well, just in case u should look in the girls bathroom. Like just in case u know. " jake replied. "yeah ok I'll have a look." we walked to the girls bathroom and ethan and jake waited outside the toilets. As i walked in i could see blood all over the girls toilets floor with water everywhere too. "m-mirranda?" i managed to say very gobsmacked.  I then saw... Mirranda hanging on the roof with string attached to her. With a cut on her stomach still seeping out with blood leading to the floor. I screamed and cried running out of the girls bathroom. "lauren, what's the matter?!!" they both asked worriedly helping me up as i fell to tge ground. "m-m-mirr-an-da i-is d-d-dead!!!" i shouted crying into both of their shoulders. "what do u mean dead?!" they both shouted in sync....

Haii babes OMF OMF thanks for 6.4 kayyyy ILYSFM!! I'm trying to make this book a bit more unique and got inspired to from someone! (u know Who u are hehe xx) i won't bw updating as much because I'm quite busy most days so i will probs update once a week and if ur lucky twice a week. Thanks comment for another chappie! peace out, eat food and ethan karpathy!! Xx dani

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