chapter 16: broken heart

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last part* as i was walking i saw someone familiar from a distance, i walked up closer, it was ethan:0

end of last part*

Ethan's P.O.V

i felt quite bad for lauren, but crystal really was sad, her mum died in a car crash, she needed someone, i wouldn't call it wagging school, cuz it wasn't... well it kind of was. crystal really wanted me to stay with her today so i didn't go to school. she looked devastated and she was crying all day, i had to stay with her. i hope lauren doesn't get to sad for me not walking with her when i promised i would. nahh she'll be fine :) we decided to get fresh air and walk to the park? we just sat down on a log chair thing and we were in an awkward silence.

Lauren's P.O.V

i went to walk closer to ethan when i saw that crystal was there! what the hell was ethan doing with crystal. crystal is so bitchy and she is always rude, she is really popular at school. she has never been nice to anyone, but when it comes to ethan, she acts like an angel. i wonder why ethan had a day off and then i just see him with crystal. what is this??!! crystal wasn't at school either..  WAIT WHAT? WERE THEY WAGGING SCHOOL WITH EACHOTHER?!!! ;(

Crystals P.O.V

Yesss! my plan worked. ethan fell for it, this is my chance... i held.  Ethan's hand, i was acting as sad as i could, trying to look like i was crying and sobbing, he didn't mind when i held his hand... come on crystal now this is you chance now!!

Ethan's P.O.V

crystal was sobbing, she then held my hand, she has just lost her mum. i couldn't just let go she would get upset, so i just smiled and let her hold my hand. i guess crystal wasn't as bad as i thought. when we were just in silence, all of a sudden, crystal came close to me, put her arms around my waist and started kissing me!! WTF IS SHE DOING?!!!  OMG she was fricken putting her tongue in my mouth, she was a terrible kisser. i was locked into a kiss. we were making out for ages just when i saw.. OMG LAUREN!! she was watching us kissing!!  she is gonna get the wrong idea!!! with my weight i ended up pulling crystal off. WHAT THE FUCK DID U THINK U WERE DOING!!  I said furiously. " well maybe ethan u should not fall for things" crystal said while laughing. WTF SO U WERE LYING THIS WHOLE TIME?!! U FUCKING LIAR OF A SLUT!! u set me up didn't u!! "maybe u should think before u act ethy" don't call me that!! i said furiously while running off to find poor lauren.

Lauren's P.O.V

i can't believe it!! ethan "friend zoned" me for a slut!! i can't believe him, i was starting to really like him and thought we would've got somewhere together, well i guess i was wrong :( i never want to see him again!!!!

Ethan's P.O.V

i was running as fast as i could and found lauren crying in a secret sort if place. it was like the woody area near the skatepark. i walked up to her. lauren look, it's not what u think it was i said sadly while she walks off. lauren!! come back!! i said while catching up to her and stopping her. her beautiful blue eyes were red and looked so sad. it was time now. she looked at me right in the eye,  so did i. i grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me, i leant in and kissed her softly on the lips, lauren was an amazing kisser, the kiss we had felt right, and felt warm and good. we kissed for a long 2 minutes and we pulled away to catch out breaths. look, lauren.. whatever u saw u got it all wrong. crystal said her mum died in a car crash and she needed someone so i had to stay with her. and then crystal held my hand and all of a sudden kissed me and she wouldn't let me go! i swear lauren please believe me, i would never like crystal cuz i like u, i love u lauren!! and i would love it if i could call u my girlfriend!! i said while kissing her once again on the lips.

Lauren's P.O.V

ethan just kissed me and he just made out with crystal. i was confused. the kiss felt safe, warm and calming. i enjoyed it alot. we both pulled away. ethan was telling me the whole story and he was pleading me to believe him, he was asking if i wanted to be his girlfriend and kissed me once again on the lips. ethan, of course I'd like to be your girlfriend! i said while tears were streaming down my face. i hugged him and never wanted to let him go. i felt warm and safe in his arms. after all of that drama, ethan asked if i wanted to go to his house. and of course i said yes!

we just hung out and talked, once again we went on the tramp. me and ethan were lying down and hugging eachother. we were just lying there until i realised i had to go. as he walked me home we came to my doorstep. " i love u lauren" ethan said while kissing me on the cheek. i love you too! i said while hugging him. i was tired so i just went upstairs to bed. before i went to bed i was checking my instagram notifications, i then got a text from ethan saying.

ethan: sweet dreams xx love u loads :)

i text him back saying.

me: goodnight ethan xxx sweet dreams:)

i put my iPhone on charge and hopped into bed.

i was lying down, thinking about ethan, then slowly falling into a deep sleep.

a teen love story { ethan karpathy }Where stories live. Discover now