Chapter 40

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"I need a one of your contacts." I say immediately after Justine answers her ringing phone.


"I need another gun, some Kevlar, a scope or eyes and I need it on the down low. So I need a contact. I know you know where I can find some arms dealers...And I need that contact."


"Because I don't plan on storming in on a gang hideout with just your 45."

"Look Normani, if you have information I...I can get a raid-"

"No Justine, it won't be fast enough. Besides, they'll be watching for the Feds. Not for a woman. Just give me a name and a location or number."

"Mani, I'm begging you...turn yourself in."

"Fuck! Justine, I'm not doing that. Alright? Now are you on my side or not?" I spit back. I'm watching Justine sit on the park bench talking into the untraceable cell phone I left there for her. She doesn't know where I am, but she knows I'm close.

"Fine...but do not tell him who sent you. And for fucks sake try not to act like a Fed." She growls, then gives me a name and a location. Hanging up, I watch as Justine tosses the phone in the trash and heads back to the bureau. Throwing my own cheap phone in the trash, I hail a cab and give the cabbie the address of a shop downtown. Pulling up out front of a closed store, I pay the cabbie and head down the block. As I approach a restaurant, I see a group of guys hanging out outside of the place. Just where Justine said he would be. As I approach, the men stop their talking and all stare at me. The main man moves to the front of the pack and gives me a once over.

"Hey Mami, whatchu doing around these parts. It's dangerous. Or is that whatchu want... a Papi to take care of chu?" The man says as he looks me up and down and grabs at his crotch.

"Are you Alejandro?" I ask calmly. He lets out a laugh.

"That's me baby, whatchu looking for?" He asks.

"I'm looking for some heat and was told you would give me a good deal." I reply. He gives me another hard look up and down then motions for me to follow him. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I enter the dark building and move into a room that makes my stomach turn. There are drugs and trash and hookers and druggies everywhere. He motions for me to follow him into the next room and I do. This room is cleaner and has about 3 other guys in it.

Alejandro talks quietly with one of them who keeps a hard glare on me the whole time. I do my best to remain as innocent looking as possible but not too innocent. Alejandro and that guy start arguing in Spanish.

"She's a fed." Another guy spits. Alejandro turns to me and gives me a questioning look.

"I ain't no fed." I say truthfully. Alejandro stalks up to me, again looking me up and down like a prize winning animal.

"Sorry chica, but I'm going to have to frisk you." He says as he spins me and places my hands on the wall. Leaning in close, I can feel his breath on my neck. "try not to enjoy it too much."

I take a deep breath and resign myself to the fact that I will need to get felt up in order for this transaction to continue. The man's hands start at my ankles and move up each leg slowly, then he pats down my arms. His hands move to the front of my chest and down my body. He gives a squeeze to my breasts but I resist the urge to punch him. He finds the gun at the back of my jeans and pulls it free, handing it off to another guy. Then resuming his search, his hands wrap back around my waist and start to dip low. As he is about to slide underneath the front of my jeans, I grab his hand, spin, put him in a wrist lock and shove him face first into the wall. The other men in the room jump at the suddenness of it all.

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