Chapter 24

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As my mind pushes me out of my light slumber, the orange glow of light makes its way through my closed eyelids. I try to push myself deeper into the darkness

Just five more minutes.

Dinah and I traveled all of yesterday. We only stopped for gas, at which we bought road food and other supplies. The back of this guys Jeep is now littered with pop bottles and donut wrappers . She was quiet all day, no...silent. She hardly said ten words to me yesterday and I was ok with that. She's processing. That's all. As long as she is safe, you are doing your job. It's not your job to be her shrink also. As the early morning sun turned into the bright midday light, then quickly retreating back into darkness, all I did was drive. And watch. Drive and watch. Watch for anyone following us. Watch for anyone looking at us. Watch for anything that sets my instincts off. I continued to drive well on into the night. But at around 3 am, I couldn't keep my eyes open. The faint snores of the doctor had been giving me a sweet melody to listen to for a couple hours already so I decided to pull over at a rest stop and grab a couple hours.

Now, the morning sun is urging me awake. My gut is telling me I have to get up and keep moving but my tired mind is aching for more sleep. Even in my sleep, my ears are attuned for anything that shouldn't be. Three times I woke to the sound of a car pulling into the same rest area, my body tensing and adrenaline kicking in, ready for a fight. But they all ended up being late night travelers such as ourselves. Now, the stirring of my travel companion makes me crack my eyes. I can see her rubbing the back of her hands against the sleep in her own weary eyes.

"Where are we?" She groans out in a husky, sleep filled voice. It's enough to make my center become drenched. ...fuck, when is she ever not drop dead sexy?

"I don't know." I reply as I pull my seat back up and stretch out my aching muscles. This past month of sleeping on a crappy hotel bed, that nasty couch in the safe house, and now a very uncomfortable car seat have made my back a mess. After all this, I'm getting an 8 hr massage. On the bureau's dime. "Last mile marker had us about 300 miles east of Boise."

"Idaho?" She perks up and looks out across the flat land in front of us. Her stomach makes itself known by giving a loud growl. She looks down at her stomach then at me. "I'm hungry. ...Can we have some real food?" I know we should get back on the road immediately, but that look, that's not fair.

Rolling my eyes, I start the car up and continue down the road until the first exit that has a truck stop sign glowing bright in the early morning. Parking out front, I do a quick visual sweep of the area, grab a couple bills from the foot well behind my seat and pull on my suit jacket to cover the red stain still visible. Behind the barrier of the open car door, I check my sidearm and reholster it. Then do the same with my back up. Dinah watches me and mumbles something about needing more penises than the rest of them. I guide Dinah inside with a hand at the small of her back. The waitress starts to guide us to the back of the little restaurant but I request a table next to the window so I can keep an eye on our car. The waitress gives me a hard stare but agrees. After she sits us and gives us the menus, she leaves. Dinah gives me a hard glare before grabbing a menu.

"What? I don't want to have to find another car." I explain, looking over the menu myself. I have to admit, my stomach has been awfully empty lately as well and a hearty breakfast sounds amazing. After ordering the entire barn yard and a trough of coffee, we sit back and wait. My eyes are continually darting between out the window and the people inside the restaurant.

"You don't ever stop, do you?" Dinah asks as she watches my eyes dance around, never resting one place for long. My eyes snap to hers and we exchange a long look. "Did you get some sleep?" She asks finally, breaking our silence.

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