Walk Again

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Alex smiles at me, it fading quickly behind his sobbing. I sit up as best I can and wrap my arms around him. I start petting his hair gently, worried that he is in such pain for just a few scraps and cuts.

"Jack, Jack... you don't even know, do you?" he whispers against my shoulder before slowly pulling himself from me. I look at him, my eyes trained on his flush and agonizing face. He glances at my feet again, and I wiggle them to let him know they are there. He only cries more at my attempts. "Jack," he whispers before lightly tugging the blanket from my feet. I trail my eyes from his face to his hand. I gasp, covering my mouth quickly and finally realizing what was going on. Tears stream as Alex and I both stare in a state of numbness and pain somehow. I move my left leg a little, the end at where my ankle would begin. My foot was gone, and I was in panic.

"Alex, h-how.. how?" I lay back against my bed and he jumps over to my side, comforting me. I feel I may be crying not for the part I lost, but that Alex blames himself for a part of me missing.

"The shark, baby... you were just at the ladder. I grabbed you as fast as I could see you get close enough. But it.. it got your foot before we could rip you away from the water," he roughly speaks. His eyes are darkened by shadows and the tiring ordeal of this all. I reach to cup his cheek, thumbing it lightly. "It's all my fault, Jack. You didn't want to go, you were afraid of the sharks and.. and.. I said I'd keep you safe, and failed."

"Alex," his gaze was still downward but I tug his chin as best I can to look me in the eye, "I may be missing a part of me, but you are what makes me whole, Alex." With that his eyes finally meet mine, his tears halting for a moment. His breath hitches in his throat, and I keep my eyes on his to let him know I am serious.


"Alex." A smile breaks through the pain and holds, and I can see him glance at my leg again before nodding. I assume he accepts that he could not have prevented the incident no matter what had happened, but knowing I am okay makes him okay too.

"Jack, I'm still so sorry," he whispers as he nuzzles up to my neck practically laying in the bed with me. I cuddle into him, shaking my head.

"What happened is not your fault, I'm just thankful that was all it took." We both nod at that and I can feel tears drip onto my gown. I thumb the tears from his red cheeks, kissing his head softly. I have never seen Alex so vulnerable, or anyone. Alex may be part of a band that millions love, and on stage he shines brighter than any star, but what we seem to forget is at the end of the day he is still Alex. I may be going to college and seem a star pupil, but I am still just Jack. We all have issues and emotions. We all have to face the reality that brushes pass us or holds us back. We all love. I love Alex. I never want to be away from him. He was close to losing me, but the fight is still not over for the wounds are still fresh.

"Jack, you're going to be mine forever," Alex chokes through tears. He sits up as the nurse comes in, looking at me with a small smile. He whispers something to the nurse and he nods back. "I'll be back Jack, I need to go call my agents, Zack and Rian to let them know what's going on." I nod slowly as Alex fades into the hallway. I look at the nurse who is smiling at me.

"You're lucky to have someone so devoted, Mr. Barakat," he softly speaks before going to my bandage and slowly undressing it. I can only agree at that. I've been nothing short of lucky, blessed, whatever it may be. Not only with the opportunity to meet Alex, but to have him as well. I wince once the last of the bandage has to be ripped from the wound. I look down and my eyes widen in horror. The dried blood was mixed with forced staples that clung to keep the skin together. I slowly move my leg, watching it move without a foot. The nurse lightly pulls my leg back down and begins to clean it. "Once everything is healed properly, we will begin treatment for walking with a prosthetic foot for you," he continues once he wraps it up again. The road ahead will be hard, mine and Alex's first bump, but I know he will help me walk again. Just like before.

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