My Future Forever

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A week with Alex and I was determined to stay forever with him. Alex took me to places I had never seen and out to try new, well, everything. We went to a theme park, which I practically threw up on considering no one warns the new guy about not eating a hot dog before rides. We went to see more movies in one week than I had seen in all my life. We road boats and yachts, sang karaoke which was unfair, and dined at some amazing places. Alex also got me into a few questionable bars and parties just so we could enjoy dancing and laughing together. My mother was not too thrilled by the change of plans, but when she heard me each night about the fun we were having she could only smile. Matt was a little disappointed, but he said if he had a chance like that, he'd ditch me too.

Sadly, once mid July hits so does All Time Low hit the road again over seas, but Alex said I could come along. I nearly fainted when he told me I could go. I knew for a long time, thanks to their website, that they had the tour. I just did not expect me, Jack Barakat, to spend the rest of my summer in other countries. Alex had actually been allowing me to practice with the band when he learned I played the guitar. Zack and Rian enjoyed my company and they all agreed I was more than a great friend. Sometimes they'd even tweet about me, and they knew I could not blush or thank them enough for letting me be apart of their lives. They told me they were not just All Time Low, but Alex, Zack, and Rian now. I could not agree more.

Today, however, was unexpected when I caught Alex packing up our things and throwing them into the back of a cab. He only smiled and told me to get in once we got everything that we needed. RANGALI ISLAND, MALDIVES is what read on my ticket he handed over once we got into the bustling airport. This was my first time in one, and it almost seemed like a low buzz of suit cases, chatter, and restaurants in comparison to my pounding heart. We went through the security, checked in and waited for our flight to arrive before boarding. Alex explained this would be a 34 hour flight, as it takes two stops to get there, but he promised he had arranged hotels for the second stops that had a 9 and 8 hour lay over. I do not think I could have hugged and kissed him enough for his kindness even though I had no idea what the Maldives were. He told me he wanted to spend some alone time with me relaxing, and he described some couple activities that made me blush.

He and I were not dating, but we were very affectionate toward each other. One night I had even made him dinner and made us a pillow fort in the living room. It caught Alex off guard and lead to them taking another step into their relationship after dinner. Alex lead me to the fort with a gentle smile. I pushed in a movie for us and when we laid in the beautifully constructed fort Alex and I finally began touching each other in more than friendly ways. Alex insisted to thank me for the dinner by letting us give each other hand jobs, but he threw me off by sexily licking my cum up from my stomach. It almost had me hard again, but after the intimate moment we were both worn out.

Now that we had stopped at Chicago and Doha, we were on our way to the island. I was excited and had fell asleep on Alex three times despite it. It was a long journey and I was a bit scared to fly, but Alex made sure I was comfortable by giving reassuring kisses and an occasional shot of alcohol to which we laughed at. Alex said he never had been, but Rian had told him about taking his wife Cassadee once for her birthday. Alex still refused to tell me more than the obvious. It was a nice island. I did not know where in the world we were heading, and my cell phone service was confiscated from Alex for the reason of surprise.

After what felt like two days we arrived at 9am at our finally destination for the next five days. Stepping out of the plane I was more than happy to stretch my body back into reality. However, Alex explained to my almost horror that we needed to take a thirty minute seaplane to the island and resort. The reason it was an almost horror was because I could not get over the gorgeous waters once we were flying over them. Alex held me close as we both watched the waves crash and sway, small schools of fish almost following us to the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island. Once we landed I confirmed that this was our last flight to get where we needed. Alex laughed and took my hand as we got out all of our luggage.

We head to check in and I kept my mouth wide open. Alex merely chuckles at me, nodding in agreement at how seamless and beautiful everything was. The island was surrounded by crystal turquoise water. They took advantage of this by installing large panes of glass to let in the natural light and beauty surround. Once we got our keys and location we start walking along the white beaches before stepping onto our dock.

I look around noticing how far away it was, and how the nearest water villa was hard to see. We made the anticipated walk to ours just above the turning waters of the Indian ocean. Alex finally told me where we were, and I just stared in wonderment at him. He reminded me it was his first time here too, and he wanted these memories to be ours. Once we finally came to the double doors, he presses in the keys for the door to open. We step inside the wide front room and took off our shoes. I step further in, noticing the two couches that dip down into the floor. Upon further inspection I nearly scream in excitement seeing the fish swim pass the glass floor. Alex came up behind me, whispering in my ear.

"There's more where that came," and with that we went into every room, saving the deck for last. To the left of the living room was a bedroom with a plush white king bed, decorated with blue and green pillows. The TV was no where to be found in front of it, and instead a large glass wall opening to let us look out at the wonderment outside. We stepped into the joining bathroom and I smile at the large bathtub, big enough for two, that also opened up to the ocean. A glass shower was just beside it and an oddly stunning see through toilet and sink at the other side of the room.

"I'm seeing a theme here, and it's stunning," I breathe out against Alex's chest, hugging him tight.

"Not as stunning as you, though." We smile at each other, my heart leaping to hug Alex too. He suddenly picks me up bridal style and out of the rooms and to the glass doors leading outside to the oversize deck. Setting me down, he holds my hand tight.

"It's so beautiful Alex, thank you again."

"The least I can do for a good summer rendez vous before tour."

"Oh Alex," was all I say as we look out at the world in front of us.

"This is ours for the next five days, Jack," I look him in the eye, tearing up at how romantic everything in front of me was. I look out at the endless ocean. The deck had a shaded table and chairs to our left, a grill and bar to the right with a deep blue hot tub bubbling away. Stepping down the wide steps, lined with plants, and further down the deck was a large infinite pool. Lounge chairs surround just the beginning of it as it heads into the ocean. On the far left and right of the portion of deck beside the infinite pool was steps leading down into the glistening waters.

I turn to face Alex, taking both his hands into my own and stare into his eyes. The waves and scenery around us splash into the reflection of them, making me take a deep breath before kissing his lips. I press them hard, our lips slowly moving as he pulls me closer to his body. The air around us was warm, the scent of ocean and fresh wood from the deck mix with our own desires in this moment. Alex curls his fingers in my shirt, pulling it off with need. I return the favor to allow our bare chests to press together. We pull back for a brief moment, gazing into each others eyes again. I could feel his heart and my heart pound together. I could see the fireworks in his eyes now. I could taste his mouth on my own still.

"I love you, Jack," was all I hear before the roar of the ocean came crashing against the deck again. Before the birds above us flutter as they chirp. Before the sun caresses our bodies even closer together. Before this moment just above the Indian ocean held my future forever.

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