Tea with Dumbledore

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Later that afternoon, I found myself taking tea in the headmaster's office with the stern witch from last night, and Headmaster Dumbledore. Sipping my tea, I carefully watched the pair, who had yet to speak besides the basic pleasantries. 

"I assume you know the reason Minister Fudge invited me to Hogwarts." I broke the ice, setting my cup down with a soft clink. My forwardness made Dumbledore give a little secretive smile.

"Why, yes," He admitted, "I do. It seems as though Fudge feels threatened by the truth. My theory is that he placed Deloris Umbridge here as his eyes and your pack as his muscle." 

I chuckled good naturally, "Professor, I hate to pop holes in your theory, but my pack and I are no one's muscle. If I was the Minister's dog, I would not be here. It's true an alliance with Hogwarts or the Ministry would strengthen my pack, but I will not close myself off from opportunities. Fudge is desperate, and that is suspicious at best. I want to hear your side of the story, Dumbledore." Nodding, Dumbledore relayed the story of He Who Shall Not Be Named and his resurrection last year. Of course, admitting the Ministry's failure would be fatal to Fudge's career. 

"There has been a lot of dark signs emerging here of late," I mused, "And this is not the first time I have heard rumors of He Who Shall Not Be Named returning." 

"I'm afraid these rumors are founded in truth." Dumbledore replied sagely, "That is why I wholeheartedly agreed with the Minister to host you and your pack. I hope to gather as many friends together in defense of our way of life as possible. I hope you will consider joining those ranks." 

I peered at him intently for a moment before saying, "I hope you realize the position you are putting me in. My own intuition is telling me to play the middle line." 

"Of course." Dumbledore dismissed my worry with a wave of his hand, "Don't think I am trying to push you one way or another. I understand your pack's safety is you top priority." I smiled slightly in reply. 

"Thank you, Professor." I said graciously, "I look forward to working together, however discreetly. But I do have a question for you, if you don't mind." Dumbledore gave me a nod and a smile. I explained to him what had happened this morning with the dueling and seeing the dark haired teacher standing among the students. 

"Oh," Dumbledore said, immediately knowing who I was talking about, "You mean Severus Snape, our potions professor. I can arrange for him to meet you, if you want." 

"That would be nice," I replied, "I would like to meet him. Say, maybe for tea tomorrow afternoon?"

"I will let him know." Dumbledore answered with a nod. I sipped at my tea, pleased. Things seemed to happen very quickly here at Hogwarts. 

Nephilim Bride | A Severus Snape x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now