You Have A Friend?

Start from the beginning

"B, I don't think right now is a—" she cut me off with a searing kiss. I tried to push her away but she grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. When she pulled back I was breathless. "Bianca, not now, okay?"

My hands were suddenly free. I breathed heavily as Bianca stepped back from me. She wasn't looking at me, but rather the ground. I didn't say anything as I walked away.


I was finally found by Thalia at Zeus' fist, which I thought was ironic.

Apparently, they thought I had up and disappeared from the camp completely. What idiots.

Thalia walked up to me and sat down without saying anything. I was sitting against one of the boulders with my arms holding my legs and my head buried in my chest. I raised my head when Thalia had approached before diving back in.

After a while, Thalia said, "You're going to suffocate yourself."

I responded with, "At least this'll end if I do," though it was muffled. Thalia chuckled.

"Bianca's going crazy, you know?" She said. "She thinks you ran away from camp because of her."

"It's kind of true," I admitted. I raised my head leaned it against the boulder.

"That's what I'm guessing," she agreed. "She's sorry, Michael. Or Mikayla. I don't know what to call you."

"Mikayla for now," I confessed. "It''s who I have to be now."

"Minitour dung," Thalia carped. "You're still you, you idiot. Maybe not a child of Erebus for now, but is that really you? You're the person who's kind to people who don't always deserve it and to people you barely know. Look at Killian. Percy told me that he called you his best friend and that he was about to stand up for you when he thought Bianca was cheating on you. You met the kid only a week or so ago. Look at Luke. He's kept the secret about your...condition and you've barely talked to him. Mikayla, you're still Michael. Just a woman. It can't be that hard transitioning. Should be easier than getting a new hand." A glance at my marble hand, which changed with me. "And what's so bad about being a woman, anyway?"

"These," I pointed at my breasts.

Thalia laughed. "Those can get annoying, but you learn to live with them. Just wear sports bras. That's what I do." That was when something clicked in my head.

"Didn't you join the Hunt?" I asked. "Why are you here?"

"Percy Iris Messaged me to come over to help look for you," she told me. "I asked Artemis and she flashed me over here. Don't worry, she doesn't know about your condition. Be careful when you see her, though. She might try and convince you to join the Hunt." I chuckled.

"Who's all looking for me?"

"Aside from me, there's Percy, Silena, Travis, Connor, Nico, Beckendorf, Lou Ellen, and Zoe."

"And Bianca?"

"Going absolutely insane," Thalia admitted. "She's terrified that you're gone for good."

"But I'm not," I murmured.

"She doesn't know that," Thalia said. "If you're not ready to go back and face her, I can go back on my own and tell her you'll come when you're ready. I won't tell her where you are, either. Or, you can come with me." Thalia stood up and brushed off her silver jeans. "And you can tell her what you need to."

I pondered it.

And I stood up. Thalia beamed at me. "Thank the gods I don't have to deal with her alone." I chuckled as we began to make our way back.

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