I folded my dirty cloths and tucked it away in my small suitcase. My now charged up Mac is neatly placed above the cloths. I place the charger next to it, along with my iPhone charger. I zipped up the suitcase and placed it on the floor beside my bed.

I sit down on the bed and take out my phone.

12:03am. I sigh. He should be here any moment now. 12:04am. I tap my foot gently on the floor and place my phone on the top I my suitcase.




My head shot up and I scrambled to the door. "Who is it?"

"Room Service." I frowned and unlocked the door. I didn't look at the person standing In front of me.

"Why the long face?" My eyes immediately shot up and my gaze was stuck on Him.

"Zach!" I paused for a bit thinking for something to say. Nothing popped into my mind and stuck there standing there like an idiot thinking of something to say. "Uh. I-I just..." I paused for a moment then a thought popped into my mind.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back!" I quickly rushed back into my room and ran to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me.

I could hear the door slam and footsteps leading inside my room. I pressed my ear against the bathroom door to hear what he was doing.


I sighed and checked myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot. I splashed water in my eyes to help to keep them awake. I looked up at myself in the mirror and blink a few times.

My eyelids were slowly dropping as if I was drugged. I leaned against the sink and closed my eyes. I couldn't stay awake any longer.

I stood up as took a step to the bathroom door. But as soon and my leg lifted up on the marble tiles I landed face-first onto the floor.

"Ugh." I stopped my fall quickly by pulling my hands in front of me, stopping from cracking my head open.

"Allie?! Are you okay in there?!" I heard Zach knock on the door loudly and my head throbbed. I felt dizzy. I sat up and rested my back against the cold wall.

I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes. "Yeah. I'm fine, just a little tired." I could see the shadow of Zach's feet underneath the door. "I'll be out in a second."

With that said I started to get up. I used the wall as a guide. I groaned and unlocked the door and stepped out of the bathroom.

I looked around the room and stood up a bit straighter knowing Zach's here. I found him sitting on the bed playing games on his phone.

"Let's go." I tried to sound as loud and causal as possible but with every passing second my energy drained.

"Okay." He closed the screen of his phone and walked out of the room. I followed after him but taking my suitcase and phone.

We made our way down the hallways and to the elevator, without a sound. I clicked the down button on the wall near the elevator and there was a faint Ding! Signalling the elevators on the floor.

I stepped inside to find there were already people inside. I shoved my way to the back of the elevator and pressed my back against the mirror wall.

There was an elderly couple, a hotel worker, a family of three, and a teenage boy. I felt myself getting more and more tired by the minute. The stench of the perfumes and deodorants could make a person gag. My head throbbed with pain.

UniversityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora